Today, July 30th around 12pm est I banned dooku_05 for 3days for hacking, not really hacking since its just a mod. But it appears he was using nodus kill aura, speed hacks, and tracer (traces a line to player so you can find them easily).
So firstly with the kill aura, jonasjr and DIAMANemil were complaining as usual that "ban pls hakr alrt". So i went to investigate and nothing but spawn killing, i drink and invisible potion and fly a few hundred blocks away, so the particles cant be seen, and i watch, and is able to kill both of them attacking at the same time without looking at them, he can hit fairly fast and induce bleeding more frequently (there's a nodus hack called "crit hit") so i spawn a bunch of zombies at his location and same results.
Speed hacks im going off their word since i saw him using the kill aura then whats stopping him from using the speed hacks right?
And the tracer. Remember how i was FAR away and i zoomed in with the mod so i wouldnt be seen? Well after dooku_05 kills them he looks straight at me and says "no pepsi".
So dooku_05 got a 3 day ban, plenty of time to remove that stupid overly used "dare i call it even a hack" mod from his versions, then when hes done he can make a ban appeal or wait. If it continues after his ban im guessing a confrontation by Koolio and a perm ban?
I cant really build anything.