This is early staff/support spring cleaning
I've grown tired of lack of communication with most of you and with it the activity, lack of voting, attitude on the server and in fighting that has been going on recently (not to single out anyone in particular but these are all issues of late). And nothing is worse than staff/support who don't care about the server they have a rank on and it has recently started to show in a lot more ways than one.
So you all (*) have until 16th Feb to decide which server you would prefer to have your rank on and how much you actually take an interest in being active and what areas you will be helping with more often.
I know some of you have history here and feel your rank is permanent, however if I cannot count on the staff/support I have to be actively trying to improve the server and making it a good environment for the players who come here, during the good and bad times, then I have no qualms with removing any of you out of the rank you have.
If you do not have the time or interest anymore than gracefully step down as going forward this is the last time I keep staff+ who don't have the time and right attitude for the server any longer than the communication and what I see of you doing to help with the server allows for.
(*) 3 current exceptions; Pepsi, iceAOS and Orestis7000. Who do not have to respond here.
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
I want to keep my rank on the towny server, but I am aware of my inactivity. I still don't know if I want to be more active or not, maybe I know more in the near future.
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
-Ex Registered
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-Ex Voter+
-Ex FeatherClub
-Ex Architect
-Ex Staff
-Ex Support
-Currently Donator
i wasnt really active the past month.. this is totally not my fault and i am gonna step up my game from now on! first i had a stupid computer issue,schoolwork, me getting the flue recentley, it feels everything is in my way to play kz :(. but theres just one thing koolio that i should say... you dont really ask me to do anything as much as other staff/support. i would never back down a request. i feel that the only thing im doing is assisting noobies with plot help or taking care of fighting/spammers... im not a lazy staff kooglio and im willing to do anything you ask me... especially help you build or help you on faction/ activities... i dont feel as involved as other staff 🙁
-Vinmeistr: mess with the best die like the rest.! jk i cant, im a staff...
At this point I can't say for sure what I'll be doing on the faction server, due to it being in early development. I'll try to even my time between the two servers.
Well for sure i know i have been unactive. but honestly i do not know what to do anymore. There is alot of stuff that i wanan do beside minecraft and if u thinking of us being online 24/7 thats hard. I ofc want to be active more, but when it comes to minecraft it isent fun anymore 😀 So if u really feel for demoting me, i understand but for sure i appriciate that i keep it becouse of past and stuff i done to Kraftzone. I actually thought i could have a break sometimes(it was bad of me not telling you, and i dont really feel good). So what you do is up to you Koolio, its just hard for me to hear people say that im only holding my rank cus of voting. And that is really letting me down and i actually believed it myself.
Your choice.
Crafters spoken! XD
God made every person different....
He got tired by the time he got to China xD
"this is totally not my fault and i am gonna step up my game from now on! first i had a stupid computer issue,schoolwork, me getting the flue recently, it feels everything is in my way to play kz "
yes I was aware of this vin, and you have kept me updated, I do hope when you get everything sorted you will be on a more often. As one of the few here doesn't really help with any building projects you haven't really given any time to helping players when you are on which isn't long.
I have noticed distinct lack in welcoming new players, change that because you are only one here whos inactivity has been spread out over many many months.
You have until the end of this month to talk to me about this ...." I still don't know if I want to be more active or not, maybe I know more in the near future.".
You also don't welcome new players when you are online, you also do very little helping with any building projects, the least you can do is welcome players and help them out getting familiar the server. Really simple as saying welcome and using /awelcome
Another thing I have had enough with the attitude on the forum towards other players making staff/helper app requests, if you can't say anything nice and constructive don't say it, right. The denied stamp was funny when it started, but its gotten to the point where I've gotten enough complaints about you doing it. Is always complaints about you from not only other players but now other staff (I think you know who). You have been in trouble with me enough times but i'm also having to defend you. Time to start making friends with other players on the server and helping to make the server better where it is lacking.
"Well for sure i know i have been unactive. but honestly i do not know what to do anymore."
you know there is plenty to do all the time on a server. Is always need for new areas for players, like arenas for plugins like mobarena, survivalgames, tnt arena, pvp arenas, themed areas. Even the player museum that I asked you to find a nice area in the 1.7 amp world was not done.
"I ofc want to be active more, but when it comes to minecraft it isent fun anymore :D"
Don't make me doubt your sincerity in this response crafters, you have been the longest support staff here, a respected builder, but you spend very little time on the forum to make this just about minecraft being boring as opposed to just kraftzone in general. You have taken zero interest in the startup of the new kraftwars server or replying to topics on the forum.
To think I'm expecting 24/7 of activity is also rubbish, but if no one can put in 2-5hours in a week and the spare 5mins to vote, as a bare minimum then the staff position is not for you. Want a break tell me so I know about it, instead of leaving to wonder what is going on as you should know me better than that. Because of course I don't mind you taking a break, I just dont' want you coming on the server, playing another game, not voting, barely talking to anyone especially me, then disconnecting..
I do not want what has happened lately anymore. I don't mind giving staff+ who have earned there position time off where I do not expect to see any vote or activity on the server.
If minecraft is getting boring then step down from staff+ rank, if the lack of interest in what is going on with the server(s)/forum is getting boring aswel and you aren't actively trying to help improve any of that then I will notice , and you staff+ position will be in jeopardy.
I do expect votes for the server especially from those I have as staff+ more than the players who play here, you should all i know vote for the server more than anyone else, the least I expect of staff+ with internet access and a spare 5mins is to vote for there own accounts as many times in a month as possible.
Because unless this server gets more active players who vote regularly there will always be a need for votes as the votes are reset each month. Not doing so is a problem to the server relevance and activity. If you don't care about that then it just tells me you don't really care about the position you have on the server as much as you would like me to believe.
Keeping your rank and knowing when to step down and perhaps when you do have more time to request getting your rank is better than trying to hold a rank when you cannot spare the time or enthusiasm for, its really that simple.
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
I want to keep my support rank on Kraftzone, no the factions server, as long as sly is on the oppisite server as myself.
from now on your support/op rank is for the faction server, you still have same rank on Kraftzone, but in any disputes or fights woombo has precedence over any actions such as kicks, mute, bans taken on the Kraftzone server when he is online same time as you. And likewise you on the Kraftwars server.
Do not trap me or any other staff in holes, afk houses, lava etc this is rule you never got to hear before, but if you ever do it you make sure it is something that is built nicely. I did not find the glass and lava thing that was built around me last time funny.
Server: Websites: | |
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Sorry. and thanks.
You also don't welcome new players when you are online, you also do very little helping with any building projects, the least you can do is welcome players and help them out getting familiar the server. Really simple as saying welcome and using /awelcome
WOAHHHHHH hold the phone. Really? Like seriously? Check my logs for how many tiems i've used the welcome command and say welcome to players. I even remember a week or so ago we both did the command at the same time and I made a comment about the irony. I always welcome players and use the command. I don't know what makes you think I don't. Really though, open my log and Ctrl + F for "welcome" or "/awelcome"......
it was just something that I felt like when you were online you didn't always welcome other players, not saying you don't..
"Really though, open my log and Ctrl + F for "welcome" or "/awelcome"......"
for this month only 8 welcomes 😀 to be fair though I might not have advertised when you were on the server.
Anyway will leave the topic now, as per redarrows suggestion there will be a new thread up on building projects that are happening on each server so everyone can check the project and see what they can do to contribute.
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