Im done this server is no better because i have nothing and most people have stuff because they have some special person in there town with creative and they give them money and materials (Dilly2k) and i dont get staff because im not on when he says he wants staff members and when i have posted tons of staff apps and josh just joined the game and he gets staff so fast like wtf im done this server is fucking annoying because nothing is worth gettin on there because i have nothing to do and My M+ doesnt give me anything now that the /fly on is messed up i can fly into towns and fly up and down when i go mining because i dont have a home or flat land for myself and i shouldnt even play this server anymore i think its just a waist of time for one reason koolio says i have nothing because i have to earn it but since he did a new mapp and the old map it took me soooooooooooooooo fucking long to get my stuff ima quit the server if you dont want me to wuit comment and say something idgaf what you post
I'll be back soon.
To start with, punctuation.
Second, the server has gotten a little reset a while ago. That means All the materials Dilly gives out are obtained legit and he is allowed to give them out.
Third, Nobody with creative gives out items in the new map, unless staff or higher gives out items. I don't think they do.
Fourth, you should explain why /fly is messed up, so we can help you with this problem. Do that instead of complaining about it. Complaining doesn't really work.
Fifth, everyone had to start over from scratch in the new map, I haven't really heard many people complaining...
Sixth, I checked it, and it seems that only two staff members have voted less then you this month. That is not something you should complain about. Also you might know that if you don't vote as staff you get demoted
Good luck with your life and stuff 😛
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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I forgot to say that point number six was meant for your staff app.
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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You really had to bring up something 3 months ago you piece of shit.
is the piece of shit john?
No he's Koolio 😀
...careful now, I don't like stupid posts.
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lol i been on over a year 😀
For The Glory Of KraftZone
What you don't like the server just cuz you aren't staff? Staff requiers alot things that you don't have, and most people quit cuz they can't became some inmportant rank.By the way if he had like a full chest of diamonds he probably wouldn't even wanted staff cuz he just wants staff for his own good!!!!
Kodsas am confuse
even if he had a full enchantend diamond armor he still wants staff
it's he's choice
Mess with the best, die with the rest
i have never seen you on the server in forever!
Número UNO: You don't get staff and quit is not very mature in you part and it honestly makes me think that if you have that attitude you shouldn't be on kraftzone anyways
Número Dos: Not having staff means nothing because I haven't gotten staff and I still play. Quiting for lack of resources proves that you just want everything handed to you and don't want to work.
Número Tres: Put some fucking punctuation
Ok SERIOUSLY, I can't read a word you're saying. It's one thing for no punctuation in-game, because that is gone after a little while, but forum posts need punctuation. Second, you are leaving because you lost stuff? If it's a new map EVERYONE lost their stuff dude. Third, I don't have staff and I get on every day now, and I got on every day about month ago. (I took a break because server was generally offline when i was on.) Fourth, you're mad because Dilly is having drop parties basically? It's part of the game, and he got all that stuff legit. And now that I think about it, you don't need donator for that AMAZING armor. Just a TON of In-Game money. Dilly probably just plays a lot or got cash for donator. And besides, it's not like he murders everyone in Creative even if he CAN use it. Fifth, how on EARTH is fly messed up? My fly discs work. If you are just doing /fly in general of COURSE it won't work, you aren't high enough staff/rank to use /fly with no disc. So HONESTLY, is there something wrong with Kraft Zone, or something wrong with you?
Well he still wants it for his good.If he really is a staff he would probably fly around and thinking he is grater than all of us, and staff is not for quitters.
bit of an old thread to dig up, especially seeing as john fig hasn't replied since giving up.
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While this is bumped i'd like to point out:
Número Tres: Put some fucking punctuation
That didn't have any punctuation either...
your a hooker!
Dude, if you are M+ you do /flight to fly, not /fly.
i have never seen you on the server in forever!
Who are you
Mind explaining yourself?
Because I never had the time to c;