I know most of you scrubs will say yes because that's just the type of fucking person you are, but I was banned for staff disrespect due to the fucking stupid rules on this server. They were accusing me of fighting when other people didn't want to fight even though they kept hitting me which I find that pathetic. Also you guys there is player disrespect from the staffs from telling me to stfu when they could've just muted me. I'm kind've confused why vin and pepsi got staff.
Send me a pm why Koolio.
$60 down the drain.
Cya niggerz.
for 500th post.... not bad. Should've been more then 3days
Yes dilly2k it was worth every single penny of you getting banned hahahahahaha
Some people on KZ don't like me its they fault I'm a cool guy that loves dubstep and Minecraft and I'm just too cool for school jk I go to school
So you think spamming the server this isn't a perfect reason to be muted, but more than that, you don't think you've been banned for a good cause. The new players are telling you to stop and that they don't want to pvp. And then you say they're flying, which when i tp to you, they were not. Dilly I got staff because I earned it. I didnt call the rules stupid, i dont spam, im basically the oppisite of you
I cant really build anything.
your ban was just necessary dilly. it wasnt just because you disrepected me,pepsi,woombo, and even crafters, but you are starting to much crap on this server dilly and we want this server to be a better place... but you make it worse. we are just doing our jobs, youve been warned more than 20 times on this but you choose to ignore and leave. this was your mistake dilly... not the staffs. have a nice 3 days
-Vinmeistr: mess with the best die like the rest.! jk i cant, im a staff...
Who's "Oggycompton" i saw in pepsi's screenshot. Crafters said it
...most of you scrubs will say yes because that's just the type of fucking person you are...
...fucking stupid rules on this server...
...Cya niggerz...
And he wonders why he was banned.
Dunno what has gotten into you Dilly, your behavior has gone down the drain, you used to be a decent player here and I always expect better from donators as they are not the players I want to be seeing getting banned or losing there rank.
You have however become a complete dick as this post shows... http://kraftzone.net/forum/index.php?topic=1452.0
Dilly2k during a pvp match had taken ased's sword. At one point he was telling everyone through donator chat to not tell ased. Ased of course was angry, and wished for his sword back. I then asked dilly nicely to please give it back. he played it off and said no basically. I asked him once again. still he didn't. Vin then asked him to please give it back. Dilly agreed. He then right in front of ased threw his sword into lava. vin and myself then asked dilly why he did it, and that he owed ased 50k for replacement for enchantments. Dilly then said "no my 50k have a good night" or something along those lines and logged off. Not only did he not listen to me and vin's requested to give it back, he completely disrespected us witch wasn't cool. He started unnecessary conflict with another player. Witch could have been avoided :/
Your 3 day ban was a really a last resort because of just how bad you were being. You have no right to spam chat like that, or annoy other players by attacking them, you should know those rules. If there were other players causing the trouble or you have problems with staff then I'd would expect you to report it and stay out further trouble otherwise you are just complicating issues.
" I'm kind've confused why vin and pepsi got staff."
...they don't spam the chat for a start, they stay out of trouble by avoiding pvp with other players, certainly very easy to do for someone who has permanent fly and creative is it not.
If your donation is that important to you, you would do something about how you are to others when on the server again, as I'm telling your right now permanent loss of rank and ban will happen sooner or later if you are going to be like this again on my server.
And lose the insulting language, it its comes off as retarded, are you not better than that?
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Dilly, I doesn't bring any of us pleasure to kick anyone from the server. We respect everyone and in return wish for the same. No one wants to ban you, its your actions that impede on others ability's to have fun and be in a area where they can relax. that got you banned :/ I respect you, but I do not respect the things you've done these last few days. I do not enjoy banning anyone, but if you mess with my only escape from real life and the only server worth playing on. then....rrr...don't do it.