Yup your done with being imature
And I like destroying shawno its not imature aVo does it. 500000 people do it. WHO CARES!!!! MenInCake
I am Done With It because Being immature Leaves a bad rep. Just like you have. It is immature i dont care who griefs i dont care if obama griefs its immature to ruin peoples hard work with your dumb acts of assholeness. And your griefing team "MenInCake" is dumb as hell. Brick i wish you and your little griefing buddies would leave this damn server already
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
Ok I left by am coming back for visits. One more thing "they are among you"
did you know that 90% of people how grief hack ect. in games are between ages of 5-12 and the top reason is "because i dont know how to play the game" i kid you not, why waist time doing that and learn to play the game and be proud of you work?
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Blue that seems correct actually. Brick Why dont you learn to Play MC the right way learn Redstone Real good learn unique Archtecture and make a great Scuplture or something. Griefing is a sad way of saying "i dont know how to play right and turn that into the wrong kind of attitude"
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
Dude, once he/she gets a high enough rank, I'll tell them when to go. They have nokick, noban, noipban mods that work on kz and clients that could mess up the server. Blur, one is vey close to you and that exactly where we want him to be. They have fun. They don't wanna take down a server. But someone could makethem and team raid is very very angry after getting up banned from thee favorite server...
Maybe People Wouldnt get banned if they werent assholes. Brick please. your not imtimidating Anybody by saying these lies. Brick your just a big fat joke. Please Leave before Its Forced Upon you
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
dude i dont give two shits to your grief team and thanks for this info now you made your mistake plus if you have a party as your group discussion area then koolio can accuse the logs and find all the people in your team and that staff member if one, can get demoted
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Unless my Skype logs appear in chat but there normal players. He would never guess what staff is in my team. He pretends to hate me 😀 but team raid is gonna have FUUUUUUUUUN MAYBE
brickmaster42 ip ban message:
Too many people have gotten sick of your spam including me, also your greifing team sounds gay and I don't care to have such imbeciles on my server.
Go away and grow up
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
???Ok, so I just saw this post and I'm thinking: "Well, he, Obviously is trying and tugging our shirts. Might as well reply."
I also DON'T want to sound or look self-centered, but Shawn, act a little like me! I mean seriously I'v looked in the mirror
and Wow, compared to when we met a lot has happened and all of us have changed and now I think its crumbling in our hands, slipping away
and I don't think it will be coming back anytime soon. Getting to the point I think mostly all of us should clean up our acts.
It's all getting into a big heap of crumbly broken friendships that those people were extreamly amazing friends, I think we need to just slap our selves in the face and just gather our focus and just get with it. This Is LIFE. (Minecraft also) We are the community that makes this server what it is.
I say we throw all of this behind us and turn a new leaf. As this is just too complicated for I think Anyone to handle at all.
Skype: masktails
Koolio im glad you handed him the ban he had it coming. And mask thats some true words right there...
Amen to that lots have happened to us i remember my first month i was friends with everybody...Now im back on that track gradually gaining trust and becoming friends with everyone. im going thru minecraft rehab 😀
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
Dont Know Why.. But it seems like Lighters Is Like The Perfect song to listen to for that comment mask and reflect...
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"