Im just wondering Koolio, why do you think so many dedicated players have left Kraftzone? Ive been on this server for over 1 year, and yet you treat me like some kind of dog. I made a small joke "Hey noob Koolio" Because you didnt have your admin rank, and you were registered. Hm, I wonder why so many players have left? Well lets re-cap. You clearly are AFK 10 hours at a time, you have no respect to older players, such as Hadi, who left because of problems. You just blow him off. So, this causes people to leave, in boatloads like they have been. Blue, Cyber, Hadi, Pepsi, and so many not so famous players like Acerbus, JP, Dead, and more. Ever think to yourself "I need to loosen up for once" Well you do, because before you know it this server is going to crumble before your eyes because of you. Please explain this to me, I would love to hear an explanation.
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
I don't need to take stupid remarks.. it shows lack of respect. You got a 10min mute which you don't think you deserved.. well I don't know what made you think you could say that and think I'd be cool with that especially when you have a history of thinking you can talk shit and get away with it... seems you forgot your past. Here is a reminder keep your thoughts to yourself if you have nothing good to say.
p.s. is 20 players on right now, kz is not crumbling and I don't mind removing idiots who don't have respect.
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Lack or respect? Im done respecting you! You do crap! And the 20 players, i doubt that even 5 of them will end up being dedicated to this shit server. Youre becoming a real asshole. You dont respect anybody, you dont get respected. Thats how it works dumbass. And it was a joke. You cant even take a joke. I thought the British were nice. Whatever, have fun with your fucked up teeth. Kraftzone is going to shit because of you asshole. Have fun.
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
Fuck you Koolio everybody is tired of your bullshit. THats why so many good players have left. Have fun with your staff of about 8 regular players. This server is one big ass joke.
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
"you treat me like some kind of dog."
Your skin is a dog 😛
My skin is Ytsens version of me? On the forums its a picture of pedo-bear. A bear..
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
Your forums skin I meant. The way it stares at me O_o
You are still just the old shawno still just as disrespectful immature and desperate to find ways to attack.
I don't know why you play here with your attitude. You got 10min mute, and were asked to apologize for starting this stupid ass post which I'm not going to even waste my time dissecting it apart on how woefully inaccurate it is.
"You dont respect anybody, you dont get respected. "
I hope you don't think you deserve respect with your history here and saying what you do, I overlook slip ups but you have such record I'd have to be stupid to let you get away with it.
p.s I'm not British and my teeth are just fine, and following stereotypes is very stupid.
"THats why so many good players have left. "
good players now? well you can go join the 'good dedicated players' haters club, where the grass is greener and so much more loyal to ignorants and idiots.
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Youre the ignorant idiot Koolio. your driving this server to the pits of shit. And i have been good since i joined back, but yet one joke slips and you flip like an asshole. Do you expect everybody to be fucking perfect on the server or sometihng?
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
Shawno if anyone on this entire server/forums or and other affiliation with koolio or the server is ignorant it is you so please i beg you just shut up.
Always better at asking for forgiveness than for permission.
Why should I fish. do you not see what Koolio is doing? I bet he doesnt even give two shits about if you left. He doesnt give a shit about anybody
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
I think you owe me a small apoligy Koolio for overreacting to a small joke. Yea, it was disrespectful a little bit, but i dont see why you get so mad over such a small joke.
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
"I think you owe me a small apoligy Koolio for overreacting to a small joke. Yea, it was disrespectful a little bit, but i dont see why you get so mad over such a small joke."
omg I don't owe you jack shit let alone an apology, where the fuck do you get off with your twisted lying.
and fyi saying I don't care.... when really its just that I don't care to have fucking idiots who think they can get away with insulting no matter how sly they do it and then think they don't have to say sorry.
Fuck off you've had one to many small jokes for me to want you on my server anymore.
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Yea I see what hes doing hes running a fantastic server and he may or may not care about me but we have one thing we care about and you shouldve too and thats this server. Koolio has done nothing wrong whatsoever so suck it up little prick and shut your mouth.
Always better at asking for forgiveness than for permission.
Oh Fish please, face the facts. I did care about the server and being on it, but it takes a good admin to run a good server. Blue is 10x better than Koolio will ever be, because he respects all of the players. So, the both of you need to get a life. What are you, like 30 Koolio? Time to grow the fuck up and get a real job and life. He has done everything wrong whatsoever so you need the shut your mouth you prick and realize youre wasting your time.
Lol, dafuq is up with all these people Who cares what the admin is like when the server is fun?
Even if Koolio was an asshole that doesn't mean you can't have a good time playing on kraftzone.
No two Rainbows are the same.
Neither are two packs of Skittles.
Enjoy an odd mix.
Oh Fish please, face the facts. I did care about the server and being on it, but it takes a good admin to run a good server. Blue is 10x better than Koolio will ever be, because he respects all of the players. So, the both of you need to get a life. What are you, like 30 Koolio? Time to grow the fuck up and get a real job and life. He has done everything wrong whatsoever so you need the shut your mouth you prick and realize youre wasting your time.
And what the actual fuck is this?
You tell people to grow up while you are judging insulting people you probably never even met in real life.
What if I told you its just a game?
No two Rainbows are the same.
Neither are two packs of Skittles.
Enjoy an odd mix.
Then I would tell you Koolio needs to get off of it and get a damn life. And I dont need to meet him to tell he is a no life with no friends or anything
And you are saying, while you are insutling random people on the internet, that you have a life with friends and anything?
No two Rainbows are the same.
Neither are two packs of Skittles.
Enjoy an odd mix.
Yes, because I do. You dont see me on 24/7 do you?