Long story short = I re-did it.
Why? When I went to save the other one... it had some texture issues.. so basically when I saved it, it was all black and nothing was there...
In my opinion it actually came out a lot better, then It was before.
Also its da HD (1080p) :DDDD
What program do u use creeper?
yeh thats cool, might add it in game somewhere
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
I removed me from da window, also fixed da arms a bit, they were too straight, just noticed lol.
P.S. @Komaquest I use Cinema 4D
Very nice. Kool koolio armor too btw
I cant really build anything.
This is complete right?
I cant really build anything.
Ok. so basically Im gonna start on the individual portraits. So.. what I need now is basically a world I put for the background for an example I could put the KraftZone Spawn as the background for koolio's portrait. Of course this isn't needed but is helpful. Also It will look alot cooler. So You staff people. (Koolio, Crafters, Ice, Johnny, Hadi, & Pepsi) please give me a world I can use for the background or just say "Whatever works" I'll give you guys a week to choose which world. Please pm me a download link to the world, If you prefer a world.
A world? Or a screenshot?
I cant really build anything.
A world, so I can make a render of that world and put the character in the world. You can pick one from PMC, or I could just do a simple biome, or simple house.
You know that small Staff Lounge?
The one that used to be a Donar thing? You can use that as an backround
Mess with the best, die with the rest
I need the world though :/ I don't think Koolio would give me the Spawn world. I might try taking a screenshot.
you need the actual world?
yknow there is a thing minecraft client mod called WorldDownloader... i don't promote it, but if you really need the world to use 😉
I won't be sharing the actual world files though..
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
😀 Guud News I didnt get new charger, but instead I got Cinema4D on this crappy computer :DDDDD So I can continue the staff portraits. So soon I will finish them. I will be basically making a render of each individual Staff. and MAYBE make another one that has everyone. The old one is getting old. Im estimating for the whole thing to be done. around next week. I just wanted to let dem Staffs that Imma make them again.
Also, for now There gonna have white backrounds also. I will have 2 versions. 1 normal just the staff and white background, also Imma make another one, which has there name tag above/under there minecraft character. If you're wondering why not just make 1 thats the name tag one. cuz Im pretty sure It wont fit in a item frame 😛 I think Im planning in making them in game like 2 on top of eachother.
So yea, I just wanted to let u guys know Im starting them Again...
Also. If ur saying "nuuu white background its toooo lameee" I will add a proper background once I've downloaded the Kraftzone spawn with World Downloader. Or I'll add a diffrent background. but for now White. just to have something so far..
Also If ur wondering why 2 diff types with name or not. So that the staffs have a nice desktop wallpaper 😀
Get on skype
I cant really build anything.
Im on my dads computer. Idk why but I cant download skype :/
edit: I got it