Hello to all that ready this I would like to gain staff rank, here are my stats and hopefully they meet koolios standards!
-My game name is: "Sebastian182" as you guys can see lol
-Total play time: I have played for 11days, 16hours, and a 1min. I will gain more with time.
-My current Rank: I the moment i have Member+ i worked hard to vote and gain this rank from registered to member to finally member+
-Rank wanted: I would like Staff rank I know alot of people do but only koolio will grant staff to players he thinks are worthy but worth a shot!
-Reason: Well to be honest Ive always wanted staff since Ive been registered and i hoped one day i would get it. Ive worked my way up to member+ I am a nice person it don't matter if your the noobest person on the server as long as you respect me I will respect you the same way i respect admin. I would help anyone that needs it as soon as possible i don't like to be ignored by upper rank member I know how that feels i wont do the same. Ive been on the server almost a year since last April with my old minecraft account (sebastianj). I would really like to help out around the server since im online most of the week on my free time. I will no abuse my rank I worked for staff and i would not like to get demoted. Well thanks for hearing me out hopefully I can earn this rank if you dont approve with me i respect that. Thank you for you time on my app. for staff! feel free to tell me what you think!
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Sebastian would make an awesome staff. None of the other staff are like ever on, but Sebastian's on it 24/7. Please make him one, I need staff help. (I am a minecraft noob)
Thank you for you feed back. If i do get the rank ill make sure to help anyone i can!
Derp ;P
^ Derp ^.^(")
let's see....
No playtime,
or any general setup...AND
its on the general forum...
applications go in the application part of the forum
I play everyday how do i have no play time xD lol, i got over 100 votes i had unpaid account before my current one, sorry I really dont know how to work the forum thanks for letting me know 😀
Sebastian would be areally nice and awesome staff member
Thanks starstream1 but koolio all ready told me not to ask for it :/ ill just see what happens later on hopefully ill get it in the future
he ment not on your app, here is a guide http://kraftzone.tk/forum/index.php?topic=241.0
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
ohhh... thank you, you think i should try again or let it go?
A staff should be a bit more active on the forums so you know better what is going at the server.
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
-Ex Registered
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-Ex Voter+
-Ex FeatherClub
-Ex Architect
-Ex Staff
-Ex Support
-Currently Donator
Seb you might deserve staff (10 percent), but I don't know? You know.
Bekwon signing out. Peace!
Seb you might deserve staff (10 percent), but I don't know? You know.
Bek, stop hating on people because you can't get staff. He is m+, I think he deserves the rank, though there are some things he can work on. 1 to point out is being more active, and being for social in the chat.
just modify the app so it's more orginized
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Done I remade the app. hope you guys like it.
nice, and fyi the how to make an app was my standards when during the time when we got more staff apps then now.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
thanks!, and ohh lol xD