It came to my intentions that the server no longer needs me...
for the past 3 weeks I have been thinking if I really wanted to resign or not, but considering the amount of time I need for school work
and preparation for my upcomming exams and so the decision was made....
But I want to say a few sentences or words to some people
-Its been 3 years since the server been up, good luck with the hosting and such. By far you are the nicest Admin I`ve met
you have carried the server over and expanded it to what it is known now. I do look forward for when the server turns larger.
- I don`t really know you too much, but you a good friend to me. You have helped me so far where I am now, by far you are a
hardworking Support member wise you good luck.
-You always say that your useless but your not that useless, you can be used to build Koolio redstone machines. By the way don`t pick with kott
because everytime I get on and you guys are Online I always see you two fight, Don`t mind her just do your thing.
-Your a good friend and all but sometimes I see your trolling skills are a bit to high fetched, just lessen the trolling, so lessen the greifting and trolling
and don`t show your anger be always nice and such like me during my bored times
CreeperZx or Chris
-Good friend, too bad your laptop `s charger broke but keep supporting the server no matter what.
-I don`t know you too much considering were in the same country but try to be more active keep supporting those who you support
on the server
-Considering you took my town from me can I have it back? but have a good life and study well.
I have more many people to say too but this mighty turn really long. And am sorry for those who I hate or I wrongly banned so am very very sorry
I will return someday and be as much as active as I used to be. but right now minecraft just got boring for me...
I may or may not vote for the server sometimes..
As for my land No one will touch it!
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Love ya 😀
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEIIIYYYY!!! :S you are retiring 🙁 aw that is to bad. Hopefully you will return sometimes to play and i will make sure your land is safe. Take care
IceAOS your staff rank has been frozen.... No such thing as retiring from KZ for you 😀
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Official Trailer:
rely, no message for me... bye
iiiii feel so touched.. honestly
I had limited time when i made this post
sorry Chris 😛
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Ice, just thank you for all the things yo have done for the server, quite a lot. I believe I remember you got staff. A loooong time ago. Although it wouldn't be my choice to make you staff, I am glad you got it.
Have a nice life 😀
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
-Ex Registered
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-Ex Voter+
-Ex FeatherClub
-Ex Architect
-Ex Staff
-Ex Support
-Currently Donator
Actually I already left kz. I only told koolio