Let me start off by saying that 99% of everyone who talks shit about PvP loggers are hypocrites.
I really don't see why so many people bitch about PvP logging. The way I see it its a matter of common sense vs. pride. In combat you can either:
a) Log out and keep all your valuable items.
b) Accept death, and loose all your hard earned items, just so you can keep pride in the fact that you can say "I don't PvP log!"
If your fighting someone and they either tp away or log out, that means you pretty much one the fight. No need to rage and yell "Wow fucking pathetic inbreed cuntfucking noob!!!1! D:<" You beat them into submission, congratulate yourself. But if they come back and make you PvP log, don't go making forum posts like Happy... 😉
I somewhat agree with you. However, those PvP-loggers has the nerve to say "I am a beastly PvPer!" or "You can't do nothing bro!" or something like that. Then we fight then and they lose their pride, but still trash talks us. Which leads to me hating the Loggers because they're just mad that they don't have the skills or equipment to beat people.
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
Umm sly I dont think anyone would call someone a "pathetic inbreed cuntfucking noob" And Lunars right I only did that because they fucking said they are all that and dead said he is really good at pvp and can beat anyone but fucking pvp logs.
Why would people say that? Everyone knows I'm the best PvP'er on KraftZone... 😉
You claim yourself the best PvPer, when I killed you......
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
Shit just got serious...
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"