Hey Guys. Most Of You Know But i Felt like Informing Everyone.Koolio has banned me from KZ....I want to thank you koolio. After you banned me i realised sitting around playing video games is not what i want to do with my life. I havent played MC in 1 month and Havent Played xbox in 4 months. Now ive been going out with my friends more often and completing my homeworks and getting great grades. Well Enought of My Stories..Id Like to Give Shoutouts... Lunar,Dead,Spons,Ytsen,Hadi,Copy, Cookie, and espically pepsi. all of you have brought great times upon me and if you have skype add me (shawnmakeshersay) because ive had soo much fun with you guys..im missing some people too because its been so long. Lastly My Will...Id Like The rest of my money (if i have any) to go to Lunar and Dead, Id like my House all my belongings and Nation to Go To Lunar also because sponsbob made his own server and thats what im playing on whenever i have free time. And my town id like to Also go to Lunar. Lunar PLease take good care of my town Spons has spent countless hours and i have a bunch of items in my chests im Sure of you would love. Well Guys thats about it...Again add me on skype and let me know if u want to know Spons IP for his server. "Kraftzone Will Never Be Fun Without You Shawn"-Sponsbob
I Wouldve Never Quit...But Koolio Banned Me
and id also like Lunar to get my resort home and my Waterfall too
I Wouldve Never Quit...But Koolio Banned Me
Ah, such a touching moment :'(
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
I Wouldve Never Quit...But Koolio Banned Me
"Hey Guys. Most Of You Know But i Felt like Informing Everyone.Koolio has banned me from KZ"
*Shock* No way... why would I do such a thing, I must be such a bad person... pff
Oh yeh I remember why now ...I don't think you needed to inform anyone of your absence on the server, it was noticed by all who had the pleasure of reading your nonsense.
"After you banned me i realised sitting around playing video games is not what i want to do with my life. I havent played MC in 1 month "
Barely 2weeks since you got banned, so not really a month then.
Anyway Shawno it seems you've moved on there are plenty of other servers to go play on, if you had really wanted to come back to play on KZ then you really should think about what you say beforehand.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Come on Koolio have a heart I really do miss Shawno. He was SOOOOO funny 🙁
Thanks for saying "Espically pepsi" BUT YOU HAVE GIVEN ME NOTHING.
Oh and yea ill miss you shawn.
[move] ide still like somthing, please. :-[ [/move]
I cant really build anything.
he's funny :- well if you mean his "jokes" then yes it was funny to see him trying to be funny with saying lame jokes, "koolio have a heart" he did what was needed, and i bet he would have got banned sooner if i haven't had forgotten to tell koolio that shawno disrespects staff because of his "im king and if you do something to me your a dick" attitude, honestly, i cant see why anyone would miss shawno, if i was koolio, i would post all the chat logs from him to show shawno's true colors on his time in kraftzone. And in this goodbye, he is basically making backstabbing comments basically saying, " bye losers, i have a life and you dont, you will be missed by me... NOT" . Thats just my opinion on this whole "get shawno back on KZ" movement happytoe.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Well HappyToe12 its on Shawno to prove he can be a decent player on the server and not cause drama. You don't have the big picture of all the crap that lead upto his ban in the first place. He also has disrespect for me still, so that's like chances of getting back on server near zero. Other than that, I wouldn't have any issue with unbanning him. I just don't think its necessary as from what he's said he's moving on now so yeh
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Lol ok then pespi u can have 20k if i even have that much. And koolio u can unban me idc but its been about a month so yea and you seem to keep carrying it on im not saying anything or saying koolio sucks but u keep saying shit about me..im the one disrespecting you..? yea..ok
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
1)I can't really inherit your buildings
2)I miss you somewhat(I prefer you stop making fun of everyone)
3)Merge your old and new forms so you can be nice,strong, and helpful
That's pretty much what I have to say to him
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
1) I Know That ...No I really dont im just trying to act like i know it but ir eally dont
2)My personality is to Just be funny and live life to the fullest. I love making jokes and i dont bash people and i say sorry if i take it too far.
3) although id love to Id probs never get staff or anything because if koolio ever unbans me he is gonna hold a grudge and just fuck me over so
4) I like writing things in even numbers my OCD Got the best of me
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
No Bluedude im really not...Lol Blue Haters Gon Hate
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
and blue your just jealous because most of my funny jokes were pointed to you because you were a dick to me lol...UMadBro?
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"