Probably do a few of these polls.. interested to see what the take is on it.
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We need the server back up 😛
to me, kraftzones been taxidermy'd hehe, im glad hes making a game it looks cool and sucessful, waiting to see what it will be like 😀
heh sheep
I have tried a few different voxel assets (smooth destructible terrain) and had the character I showed earlier working on one of them, looks promising, still many bugs and things to sort out, might still end up redoing some of it, but then I never did say this was anywhere near ready for testing.
fyi the voxel engine I might be using for the game has an online demo one of the better solutions to build a game on top
Anyway poll results aren't much to go by but I do want to use one of the smaller game prototypes to try out a skinnable low poly character where your character skin gets downloaded from a remote server.. much stuff to develop and test out.
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If you ever need assistance ive been known to dabble in the programming end of it, whilst you seem good at designing. If you remeber that old Atari game "adventure" I've made something similar to that and a dozen different cmd based text games like zork.
I cant really build anything.
You should make the game so it can run good on any computer, kinda like minecraft and cs:go i don't know how to explain but basically make it so any potato can run
Yeh I do intend to optimize it as much as possible so it will be playable on any potato or toaster PC 😀
Short of filling the game up with as many free models and 2k res textures and normal maps on things you'd barely look at, it should work fine. One game I'm doing makes use of a lot of physic rigidbody objects that can collide with eachother but will just have game settings that limit the amount that can be spawned in the level.
"minecraft and cs:go i don't know how to explain "
yeh neither of those games are known for high quality lighting and neither make use of normal mapping for textures.. csgo only a little bit for weapons but the levels are largely just using flat textures (Though if valve ever had CS with a real day/night cycle on the maps I'm sure that would change)
Pepsi I'll let you know, though right now I'm not doing any storylines or dialogue type stuff yet, I guess when I have some test game build out for you guys to play around with then we can talk about that sort of stuff.
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Lol if you own a potato in 2015-16 you're basically screwed as everything pretty much requires a nice pc nowadays.
And yeah dawg just pm me or whatever when you get that far I'll be more than glad to help out, not like I'm doing anything else in my life.
I cant really build anything.
i have potato pc... macbook charger broke again. so use my brothers computer to get online here from time to time. and mainly use my cellphone
That's the spirit Pepsi.. well haven't really progressed much on a singleplayer game, honestly storyline doesn't hold much interest for me or developing characters , its not really my thing.
However if there was a character to develop and put into a game though it would Bob, maybe he becomes a country dictator. You the start the game off having just had your country handed over to him. I'm sure the dialog would be interesting as he screws up everything while accepting zero responsibility on anything. The dialogue for him could be very Bob like
Chris that sucks, sounds like macbook chargers don't last long in Brazil
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Here's a great intro Koolio
*Camera pans from a US flag in color to black and white- then it fades to black*
*Bob clears throat*
Bob: My German countrymen, men and women
Changes of Government have occurred frequently in history, and in the history of our people. It is certain, however, that never was a change of Government attended with such far-reaching results as that eight years ago. At that time the situation of the Reich was desperate. We were called upon to take over the leadership of young minds, this represented a last attempt, while in the ey-"*$+#-$
*Starts to become mumbled almost illegible*
*Zooms out of a snoring face*
*Your character* Kicked back in his office chair where he watches security cameras in a -insert lame store here-
*Your manager barges in and starts yelling about how things being stolen and now you've been fired*
You're walking down a busy road with a billboard of Bob's face "your country needs you" ^Uncle Sam reference^
*you glare and sigh at the sign*
And yeah that's all I have so far. Kinda had an idea of a false hero thing going on but yeah lemme know what you think.
I cant really build anything.