I already explained in the shoutbox as to why im doing this but yeah.
Now granted this is just a rough sketch of a cool template site i found which it came out pretty nice, a bit bland but obviously ill pretty it up.
Welp Koolio, waddya think, its not really necessary to have a mobile site but i think itd be nice.
I cant really build anything.
why is there 2 of the same iPhone's
Showing what it looks like when you scroll down .-.
I cant really build anything.
I think it looks disgusting tbh
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
yeh the site does need a mobile friendly view..
SMF forum and theme was never built to be mobile friendly though....
for SMF there is updated responsive ui, however its for the very base skin theme of SMF.. the theme you see is heavily modified from that.
it would literately be easier redo the theme on a better base skin that is designed to be mobile friendly... ofc the base skin that is provided by SMF to be a bit more friendly isn't very good.
honestly is it even worth doing.. like I talked about this before turning Kraftzone.net into a gaming community that isn't just for minecraft.. doing that site redesign is something I've put off doing just simply because I'm not even sure its worth doing with the way things are going.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
it'd be nice I think... but what do I know
I hate people I don't like.
honestly is it even worth doing.. like I talked about this before turning Kraftzone.net into a gaming community that isn't just for minecraft.. doing that site redesign is something I've put off doing just simply because I'm not even sure its worth doing with the way things are going.
That's what I was thinking too but it's whatever, I just had some free time and though Yolo.
As to the "simple machines" issue, there are some wap mods which could do some good, also there is an app apparently called "tapatalk" and it allows you to post from in an app, I haven't tried it but it's not really the same.
I also found two other possible solutions with SMF4Mobile which is a different theme so when you do go mobile it would be a lot more friendly than smf.
or just modifying the index.css directly in in theme you use
Anyway whatever floats your boat.
I cant really build anything.