No offense, bit kraftzone is getting worse every day. This server sucks. That is why I quit. There are better servers out there.
Bekwon signing out. Peace!
"No offense" ...
Description: How to give an non constructive opinion with zero helpfulness without coming across as complete douche.
How?: Simple just prefix or suffix your opinion with "No offense"
There is no better server out there that I'd want to play on 😛
Now if you want to suggest things to improve or help be the improvement then by all means.
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
age cheking thing,10 warnings of spam?
Mess with the best, die with the rest
No offense, bit kraftzone is getting worse every day. This server sucks. That is why I quit. There are better servers out there.
I will always hate you bekwon, as of everyone else.
don't have to be that rude dilly
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
Honestly i think kraftzone is the best server out there like ive seen other server and NONE are like kraftzone.
Kraftzone is one of a kind server aint no other server gonna beat Kraftzone 😀
Why did we dignify this with a response? Didn't you quit like 3 months ago? Why are you still criticizing?
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
WitherCraft is the best server! :p Lol.
Bekwon signing out. Peace!
ive been on withercraft faction pvp raid server i think idk but i was on there and it was shit ._. There spawn was okay the player's on there sucked the staff bitche's in my option kz is one of the best Cracked Server's Out there. It has its up's and down's but that's what make's it one of the best server's sure we don't have drop party's we cant buy are own spawner's in a shop yet kz is a bad ass server whit amazing staff and the best owner .
And Who Can Forget all the Player's That are dedicated to this server they make it the best Whither craft is sucky in my Opinio.
Honestly i think kraftzone is the best server out there like ive seen other server and NONE are like kraftzone.
Kraftzone is one of a kind server aint no other server gonna beat Kraftzone 😀
U think its the best because u got staff u nub
Haha. Lol.
Bekwon signing out. Peace!
Haha false my friend ive said that even before i was staff 😛 (: lol