Hey WUHsuuuuuup guys and girls of this extravagant server of which many enjoy! IM 3PIKMAN and this is my first time using this KRAFTZONE FORUM.... Well I just wanted to introduce myself though im not that popular in this server but I just want to clear up any MISUNDERSTANDINGS about my username.
FIRST OFF: the 3 in my username stands for E so my username is actually EPIKMAN
SECOND OFF: EPIK basically in cool terms mean EPIC (its the cool way of saying epic)
THIRD OFF: my name is precisely EPIC MAN but you are welcomed to call me WUHevah you wish
(just don't create a mocking attitude when using your privilege of calling me WUHevah you wish, just make it appropriate and dont' taunt me please?)
WAZUP im bluedude how are youz epicman XD
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
WAZUPPPP I'm LunarBrick and I already know who you are 😀
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
I thought you were brandonpkc o: