So, as most of you know, i have just returned for awhile now to Kraftzone. As i was catching up on the forums from the lost times, I saw something kind of sad to me. When I returned. I immediatly asked where Bluedude was. I was told he gets on often, but started working on his own games. As i was reading, I found the "Open Letter" From Blue to Koolio&Sly. I mean yea, some of slys "jokes" do go a bit to far, but who am I to judg, since i can be cruel sometimes. I just found it depressing because Blue and I were pretty good friends, and I hate to see him go like that. Now I know somebody might comment "i hated blue" but please keep them out of the chat. Im unsure if he is unbanned from the forums, or the server, or if he was even banned in the first place. I really just want this to be a post to think about all the bad times and users that have left throughout the times...
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
He is banned because I won't tolerate idiots who have let bullshit history indoctrination cloud their judgement. So much so that they would make it an attack at me over someones trolling just because I didn't mind it.
It's a bit sad it came to that, however tolerance only goes so far until it becomes personal.
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How exactly did it become personal? Just want to know.
Read the "close minded letter" thread , blatant attacks at me for allowing it, like I give shit. Idiots who think they know history and go about like politically incorrect drone pricks don't stay around here long.
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I agree and respect that fully Koolio. And is sad it came to that, and it came out of nowhere at that also. He was a good player. He is the last one i would think would lash out like that.
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"