sorry if the title was a bit strong but kcherry has started spamming me ever since she joined my town and was then later kicked within 10mins. When she was in my town she demanded that I make her VIP, then secretary, then assistant. After I said no to all those requests kcherry later went on to spam me saying that my town sucked and she also spammed me sad faces (unfortunatly I have no screen shots of this spamming). Days later kcherry starts spamming me that she knows me in real life and that she likes me, I ask her to stop but she continuously just kept spamming me that she knew me (the spamming that she knew me was over a dew days, not consecutive days random days). Oh and this is all in private chat. I go through a few more times of spamming, I sometimes just do /ignore.Then today I find kcherry's helper app and find that her description of why she wants to be helper was just a copy pasted version of my description of why i wanted to be helper. She copied my helper application and she didn't even bother to change it. When i confronted her about the application all she said was "Nope". after she logged off then logged back on she asked my to tp to her which i said no to than she told me her brother logged on to the forum and copied my helper application. I called BS on the story. i then asked her to stop taking to me and then she then called me a whore. The she says
"Her helper app my brother got on the website and copyed her and she is bamming be"
I have asked kcherry plenty of times to stop talking to me but she just keeps spamming me...I dont know what can be done but i would really like something done
I found it.....I found my lost duck!!!
That is my You tube Channel
kcherry is an annoying player I know that, however they haven't ever done anything to deserve a ban, a warning yes
You did ignore and you removed them from your town that's the most you can do other than report this. The copy paste thing is known about, and well kcherry is not going to be helper anytime soon.
If problems continue post again and I'll warn kcherry again, but msg spamming can be ignored and unless its being disruptive to the entire server ie public chat a warning is the most I'll do.
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Fisrt its he and idk u so why would I like u. Idc if im helper kooilo I hve a rank and i want to keep it.
well good for u kaleb. and if u wanted at first to keep ur rank why do an app or something
Im kcherry's brother and obviously anyone can see I didnt copy anyones application because I haven't even done one 😛
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!