I meant to post this yesterday but I didn't have time so oh well.Ok well I happen to have a problem. Yesterday I was building my house and suddenly BrandonMC_ tps over to me and starts going through my chests even tho they are locked. I realize he's staff but it's not like I'm a griefer. Then he asks me why I have creeper spawn eggs and takes them. I told him I got them from hi123_34 but he says he's gonna go get rid off them and when I ask for one back he says here and spawns one to blow me up. I mean, wth >:(. And I still haven't gotten one back from him and they're not stolen and there's no rule against having as far as I know. So, can I have my stuff back or should I just leave?
I hate people I don't like.
there was no reason to have them this was in the new world and hi shouldn't have even token the items from the chest or given it to players.
When I ask for one back he says here and spawns one to blow me up
Since when do creepers blow up in KZ? also o-o why not ask for all of em' back in the first place if they were urs... also I dont really see a problem with this since creepers dont blow up, so how could u use it to greif? something seems fishy here...
What are you tryin' to say? All I need is one and Brandon was making it seem like a sacrilege to have them so I only asked for one.
I hate people I don't like.
Items which can be abused by lower rank players can be a serious problem sometimes. You have no idea in what it could lead to. I can't say anything more because I don't feel that this is going far and it's not like it's a big problem but next time try to understand that sometimes items like creeper eggs might get out of hand especially when you have a stack.
And yes.. creeper's can explode. If it doesn't explode it could probably mean that you were in God mode or something.