Slyguy banned me for 1 month after i was useing my autotyper and did f2. Koolio please unban me. Slyguy banned me for a fucking month. This is how slyguy uses his support perms. To ban ur most avid donators for a fucking month. I couldnt stop the f2 uploading once it started. Me being in single player at the time i was unaware that in single player it uploaded it. I thought it was only in multiplayer.
I have to voice my opinion and say this is the last straw. Slyguy banned me for somthing not under my control. I am sick of sly trolling me and fucking with me. I didnt even know the autotyper was on at the time and begining it starts with f11 so when i went to fullscreen it the
shit went haywire and would not stop until f2 had been pressed 100 times. I attempted to stop it in multiple ways. None worked. So after appologizeing to sly in skype i asked him to unban me from kraftzone because he had banned me for 10 minutes. He then banned me for a month. I am sick of this shit and i want it stopped.
You fucking deserve it. There was no reason to do that. I would've banned you for life for doing that. It almost crashed the server.
Dilly i had no control over it. I had been useing my autotyper in A.V.A which uses f2 as reload so i had made my autotyper do it on the command of f11. I went to fullscreen my game and shit went to hell. I had no intention of harming Kraftzone. It was a mistake and an accident.
This dumbass banned me for a fucking month.
Don't use that language towards a staff, or preferably anyone.
Now basic logic tells us that setting up an auto-typer to hit F2 is a horrible idea, but you did it nonetheless. It lagged KraftZone so bad, it took about 2 minutes for a typed command to be handled. It also spammed the chat. Talk with the bossman.
"Dilly i had no control over it. "
A simple closing of the game on your end would have stopped it.. otherwise it just looks like you didn't a give about it and were doing it on purpose.
As for the 1month ban, I will unban you however this kinda idiocy must never happen again.
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thankyou koolio and i assure u it will not happen again. It was stupid on my part and I should have made sure my autotyper was closed. But i would never purposely harm kraftzone and am sorry for my stupidity.