On the factions server it seems as if players are being given the option to pay there way toward becoming literally invincible, as they are given the option to pay toward god mode, creative mode, flying, etc. I really dont think donating should work this way, and I believe this should be taken down and changed into something a little more like this-
~Players can buy in game money-Say like if the player pays 20.00$ they are able to get X amount of cash on the server, this is preferably the only one that I think would really succeed and not be OP unlike the rest down bellow
~Players can buy faction power- We should be given the option to be able to expand out bases in exchange for cash, within reason of course so people cant buy their way to being the top faction(Well have to work on this idea of course :p)
~Players can get the /enderchest command- This would make traveling a lot more easier, maybe a few more "powers" as we could refer to them would be cool too
~Daily kits- Maybe like a daily login diamond could be cool to get players hooked even more than voting (this one is reasonable too, not daily bullshit things though like 16 Diamond, 64 Enderpearl, or 3 Nether Star)
~NO RANKS DAMNIT~ Just nothing that changes chat into a rainbow caste system and puts the players that cant afford to doante a chance to not be neglected by everyone. It's very offputing to walk in with a grey name while someone has their name with bold, colors, strikethrough, and that one character that causes seizures
~No pay to win- Dont make the rich literally be able to crush the weak in it's fingertips, just no. The ones are quite obvious on the donation page but if I need to go into it, seeing players inventories, time changing, the ones mentioned above, mob disguise, mob spawner, Im not going on anymore just get rid of practically all of them
I don't mean to be harsh but Ive seen so many servers die in the past, including ones I have admined and/or developed on, just I really like this server, and although its the best server Ive seen since a blue moon, I really dont want this place to be killed by talentless players that bought their way to victory
Tl;dr Fix the donations pls
Volvo fix pls
I cant really build anything.
Now... I don't reall know where to start... But here goes...
First of All.. You don't donate for ranks, or whatever, you donate to support the server. Not get your OP Ranks...
Also... If you're talking about factions... this is not the forums for it. If you're talking about Kraftzone the TOWNY server, towny, as in no-PvP, no-Grief, no-Raid. 100% awesome builds & survival, and the donating.. Its fine.
And.. I'm pretty sure, you're only complaing about this, because you go pissing donators off, and they kill you.
If you're complaining about Kraftwars Factions server, im not even sure, If theres donator ranks on there yet, which is still in BETA, as in it started a few weeks ago, it might have a few flaws. Also.. No-one knows who you are... as in, you dont really make decisions, nor do I, But you don't see me complaing about every little thing...
btw. KraftWars Forums :
Ugh, I'm sorry I was just following what the chat sent me too. I feel like a real jackass posting this here and everything. Ill head over to the factions part and thank you so much for your help.
Well these are some real good ideas for factions but as Chris said those ranks are not for factions bud ;P
how many donators would I annoy if I made those changes at kraftzone.... heheh not that I would of course 😀
Anyway I replied to BurningTictac post on the kraftwars forum for anyone interested: http://kraftwars.net/forum/index.php?topic=334.0
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Pepsi you didn't even know that phrase until I said it. You aren't even using it correctly...
Go improve your grades stop wasting time on the forums.
sly i don't believe that was necessary. I think you're mad.
I cant really build anything.
lol what are we talking about
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing