Hi i would like to be a helper
Im a donater and i want to be able to help people more and they take me more seriously.
I have 25 votes but i vote every day now that i can. I have played a total of 13 days and 5 hours.
I want to help koolio and other staff or above take a break i know they work on the server alot and when we update it i know they will build fun games for us.
I want to be helper so i can help new/old players with like where every thing is on the server what we have to offer at kraftzone and let them know were all friends.
I also noticed that there was only 1 helper now and i wanted to help him get a break.
that is a good bloke in my books, helping everyone out. 😉
This was BANDIT1569, stay cool and peace out
thank you bandit1569
Thing is you don't really help anyone. You don't need to be a Helper to help people. Plus your only really making this because Johnny told you too.
lol he does it to everyone and yh sly is right but he didnt put hes big stamp on my app tho
Johnny I don't do it do everyone it's just that nobody worthy has made an app in a while.
sly are you saying mine sucked?
ooh well nvm then
When i applied, sly didn't do the DENIED, thing
Also conner, there's 2 helper's atm. iceAOS and RAJ
sly is just copying my denied stamp, I lost mine somewhere i nthis forum, where it got used once... I must find it, I'm missing out on all the stamp fun 😀
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
sly is just copying my denied stamp, I lost mine somewhere in this forum, where it got used once... I must find it, I'm missing out on all the stamp fun 😀
Why not just right click sly's stamp photo then save image as
This is bettR? Msg me if u like it...
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!