[SuperMember] [DedicatedMember]
Reqiuerments: Requirements:
-100+ votes -200+ votes
-72h of playing:3days -94h of playing:4days spent on the server
-Help people out -help people out
-do not be a jerk and kill people
What you get: What you get:
-kit iron tools and a wolf egg -Fly
-md chicken -md enderman or creeper or zombie or spider
-and something else -kit iron tools and diamond pick
Dude... 100+ votes and 200+ votes = 100+ days and 200+ days... Why it can't be like 30+ votes (1 month) and like 60+ votes (2 months).
But however I like your idea. That would make this server even more exciting to play, when you know that you're someday going to be a SuperMember or DedicatedMember.
hey thanks for the feed back i guess i didn't think the votes too much maybe it is a good idea but i think 60+ votes would be for supermember and 90+ votes for dedicated member because it still need different features you know?
only 2 ranks i can come up with are:
AdvMember: This would be awarded to the trusted members that are online on the server on a regular basis and vote everyday.
-Create Warps
-(Maybe)Limited World guard
-Multiple Homes
-Place water and lava
-Change spawners
and maybe even more
Builder: Good at building and have build more than one impressing structure all legit!
-All of the above
-Creative mode + /i command
Well top server voter(s) will most likely get fly permission, that is only kept through maintaining regular voting however. It would still not be the only way for regular players to get fly access either.
I like Eekens suggestions on perks and requirements, this would be the other for players to get fly access without having to compete for top voter of the month etc.. the requirements are actually pretty high, and not many would meet them currently.
I'm not sure if I would lower them or not. Giving out disguises is one thing I might not do though, due to the fact that its the type of perk that can be used to troll others with mainly because your player name doesn't show up, otherwise I would be fine with it. I'm more inclined to give out hat block access or some other plugin perms.
Create Warps.. - yes as in private warps you can share with others, I'm fine with that, though would be limited so not infinite. It woudn't be creating warp signs, though you would be able to request more to be setup for yourself.
Multiplehomes, yes fine, similar to making private warps.
Ability to do basic greifing checks yourself.
Access to toolkits.. yes fine with that aswel, probably even diamond ones if you just keep them to yourself.
Placing water and lava - placing water is going to be allowed for members, possibly allowed for certain users still in 'Registered' rank, lava placement might also be allowed for members who are regular voters and haven't shown any signs of being trouble makers yet :P. Same with flint and steel.
Currently the requirements are votes and totalplaytime, I'd like to include other requirements... like for those who know how to use Towny and can help others out with commands and setting up of plots.
And basically any other plugin that is on the server that all Registered/members have access too, such as protection blocks, falsebook (bridges, gates, lifts etc), setting up shop signs etc... these are all things that anyone who has experience with can help out newer or inexperienced players with. Doing so helps just as much as the 15seconds it takes to vote for the server. And when I see players helping out by telling someone else what a command is or how to do something etc, it helps me out and the server.
So I do want to provide more loyalty perks, just not the fairly easy to attain direct paths to powers and perks. I really do not like giving out stuff that I later regret doing you see, better to give out stuff that I'm happy with doing for those that can be trusted and fit in with the way I like to run the server. And have the maturity to not cause extra trouble or annoy others
Anyway none of the requirements and perks are official yet.
Feel free to make further suggestions on whatever...
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1