So you Take away my nation after i apoligize then U IP ban me...Nice Shows How Fucking Nice You Are Huh? Fuck You Koolio Nice Way To Abuse Your Powers
Fucking Asshole
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
Enjoy it, I'm not having you on my server any longer.
I also don't see how you will ever be allowed back on with your attitude, just no reasoning with you.
You seem to fucking think you've done no wrong.
You seem to think you deserve to have a nation title, on my server while disrespecting me, and taking up my time when others need my help....
Seems a lot of things with you Shawno are pretty fucked up.
Take the break away from this server like you said you would before. You can come back and try build some bridges when you aren't such a fucking idiot.
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Lol im the idoit? koolio..u need to get a life...your like 20 years old playing minecraft all day lol
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
I never said i didnt do anything wrong? Bro U need to get a gonna go find a server where people can actually AFFORD to buy a 20 dollar game..
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
You need to go find a server, where people accept a scumbag troll turd like you playing with them.
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
1. WOW shawno way to insault 37% of the minecraft comunity because 37% of the comunity (if not, more) are over 20 2. not only you disrespect koolio but also staff, when ever you got muted you told the staff member who muted you that they are the worst staff member ever. 3. you need a attitude check mister 4. if you had real class, you would be still playing on the server right now. so shawno stop it you burned down all your bridges
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
He's ip banned off the forum aswel now, I don't think he'd be saying any meaningful.
If anyone thinks he didn't get enough chances well.... you haven't read the in game chat.
Think all the crap he's said on here is enough for anyone to get a picture painted.
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer: