The Man that made these is
Youtube: Madnes64
Just Recently hit 100k c:
I'll be back soon.
First of all he claims that the picture buildings are the design he made and that she will bann me for no reason and dont care and she says i made i made he quit when i quit like a christmas and she decided to quit like WTF
How are you supposed ti see anything with that FOV! :<
Lol john, youre stupid must be something. First off i never made the towers nor the windmill in my town. And i told you that. I made the houses. thats it. I never vuild the town by my self, but if you had just read any of my shit, besides acting like out like you tend to do, then you would have realized this. Sadly you're the type of player who makes this game not fun. No one can build anything without someone like you always having to compare it to other, or saying he or she copied it. You make minecraft in general really bad to play. I don't need a madness64 or a whoever to be able to be inspired to build a certian bulding and a style. Also, i never said you were the reason i quite. I said you're the type of person/players who made me not find this game fun. trust me, you're stupidity isn't enough for me to leave. No that shit was a group effort. Anyways john. thanks for your awesome links of videos of buildings i never made. you rteally made your point there man 😀
You do know theres a screen shot?
And BTW You did make them faggot. DONT YOU JUST LOVE BEDROCK?
I'll be back soon.
you're honestly so dumb it hurts.