I am done here. I decided to move on because it looks like you have a great dictatorship running here. I should have stuck with my first opinion of you, Koolio;Worthless, and ignorant. I was a Fool beyond fools to think you were "caring and helpful for other players in the server". For those of you players who are reading this, you may find me roaming on other servers, say hi. or I may just come back undercover under a new name, you never know, but Koolio, i just want you to REALLY understand, I am NOT a lier. I am a Knucklehead, stripper, whatever, NOT a lier. If I had the chance to lock you in my basement, I would do so, and deprive you of all water sources, and the only thing I will let you drink is the sweat off my balls. If you are lucky, i might even cum. Don't take it as a threat, Just a possibility.
Nam youve been banned, theres no more else to say, youve made a good few of topics that dont matter, if youre leavign go, dont keep waiting topic space 😛
I cant really build anything.
hes caring and helpful but maybe frequently afk i think hes afk cuz hes need to do stuff for server to help it. but dont think of tht nam hes maybe disapointed in meh cuz i should have got staff without yesterday 😛 but hope u enjoy ur life nam
ps.: Ill miss u even tho we didnt talk much together and othe players
I am done here. I decided to move on because it looks like you have a great dictatorship running here.
Translation: I can't get away with being sniveling lying cheat because the jig is up , and I definitely don't want to be honest about what I've been doing..boo hoo hoo..
If I had the chance to lock you in my basement, I would do so, and deprive you of all water sources, and the only thing I will let you drink is the sweat off my balls. If you are lucky, i might even cum.
All evidence for the kind of evil moral degenerate scum that you are nam, people like you belong in prison cell where the key is thrown away, couldn't imagine anyone giving a shit about wanting to see you ever again, because you're as fake as they come with your pretending to be nice.
"caring and helpful for other players in the server"
I am like that to all like minded players, however trash like you need weeding out.
I am NOT a lier
Yes you aren't a lier, you are a LIAR.
Do you misspell LIAR on purpose because you are retarded?, or is just that your way of pretending to others that you aren't a 'lier' because that is true, you are actually a fucking LIAR!
You can get out of here now you worthless shit bag nam, I'm done with you, move along go find some other server to plague and parasite off.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
tl;dr version:
Pitty me because I got caught exploiting.
He had his chances.
thread closed.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1