-Your In-Game Name:xxNavyxxSealsxx
-Your Age: 15
-Position you desire: Staff
-Total Playtime and Votes: 19 Days 21 hours
-Date Registered: 10/10/2012
-Express Desire to Help: I want to help players with commands,buildings, etc.
-Past Moderator or Administrator Experience: I was Mod on Diamcraft recently and have been Admin on Fluxcraft. Was an owner on my friends server which had around 10 people online at a time usualy. I have also hosted my own server.
-Express the Knowledge and Skills that would make you beneficial to KraftZone: I know almost all plugins. I have hosted a server and know how to code plugins to an extent.
-The things you have done to Improve KraftZone as a player: I have given Koolio my opinions on adding plugins and have helped countless players when they need help.
-Anything Else you feel needs to be known in consideration of your Application: I have been trusted with creative, and world edit in the old world. I want staff so i can help everyone on the server as the server grows bigger and better.
-Timezone: Central.
Good staff app navy. The most creative one you've made. 😛
Removing sly and navys posts, you know why.
Anyway I don't know what the fighting is between you both but keep it off the forums, navy isn't getting staff not anytime soon after the last incident. Can keep the put downs off his staff app now sly.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1