Name: Woombo23
Profession: Student teacher.
Total play time: 42 days 5 hours and 48 minutes.
Experience: I've worked my way up the rank list when first starting out on the KZ server. I obtained support and greatly benefited from helping others and learning from them on my way to that rank. I sadly was not very mature at the time, and let my emotions and drama run my life witch greatly affected my performance. When i was however not letting these things affect me, i was having possibly one of the best experience's of my life in a video game. I looked forward to playing on the KZ server, and i wish to achieve that same feeling i got when i was helping others and enjoying the community. I'm skilled with WE and know how to conduct myself vastly better since i've aged. I miss this server ad its people, and i feel i'd be a great benefit now to the community and to kooglio. I've learnt a lot and i promise that i will be a great asset to the team once more. If you however feel that i should not have this rank, i completely understand since my performance left a bad look during my downfall.
Some reasons why i feel like having another staff on the team might help:
1) I'm a skilled KZ player and know the many commands that could help aton of people while they play on the server. World guard/Pet commands/WE/Towny cmds..ect.
2) I live by a philosophy think before you speak, witch is something my father said to me before he left. witch has left a lasting impression on me and feel i could handle most issues and drama between staff and the community. Witch i've been seeing al ot. I don't take sides and i feel i could be a unbiased party to any conflict and id love to resolve some of the issues i've been seeing.
3)I'm a very nice and understanding person, and patience is my middle name :D. I love walking people through their problems(in whatever that may be) and putting it into words that are easy to understand!
4)I love this server, and this is the only server i play on! And i'd love to come back a be more of a help.
Thank you for reading, and your consideration
It's good but not good enough.. lol xD joke.
Ok, I think I'm the first one to read this app and fully understand that you want to come back on our community It's greatful of you and you have proven yourself before. So I wouldn't doubt you won't be a great Staff/Support again. I'm not saying this because you are my friend but I'm saying this because I've seen you help players and solve many issues on this server.
From my part you'd be great for Staff 😉
5 Reasons why I think he can be great:
1. He has been one of the best Staff and he has proven himself that he can hold the responsibility well.
2. He is one heck of a person, he is often helpful in builds and know commands pretty well..
3. He can FKG build.
4. He is almost 24/7 on the server (multitasking)
5. Blows your mind with his builds
maybe staff /=staff .. good having you back again woombo..
don't want to have all the helper players think i'm only taking old players back to staff before considering newer players for such positions, though that is exactly what I'm doing because its better for the server having people who already familiar with how I like things to be handled.
so you're going to have to wait until end of this month for the rank
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Understood! I wouldn't want to deprive anyone getting the rank, and so far I've seen very good things from Staff= and the helpers! I appreciate you guys reading and considering my app! Glad to be back! Also johnny, i thank you for your input and i can't wait!
:DDDD gratz woombo
Great Woombo! Yay 😀
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
WHOOOHHH wooooommmmm
omg u so op 🙁