Your In-Game Name (and real name if you choose):
My in-game name is Extacyy and my real name is Lily.
I really have no preference on which you use.
Your Age (if you Choose):
I am 20 years old
Position you desire:
Wiki team member
Total Playtime and Votes:
Currently 19 days 12 hours, 263 votes
Date Registered (MM/YYYY):
2014-01-17 (Jan/2014/17)
Express Desire to Help (Who, Why, And How):
The people I aim to help the most would be regular players much like myself; specifically those who express interest in learning more about Minecraft and Kraftzone as a whole. Guides that fall under 'General' or 'Miscellanious' are also not out of my realm and I do enjoy writing them.
It comes off as a daunting task for me to express why I would like to become a Wiki member but I think the main reasoning behind it is enjoyment. I enjoy finding something tough to write about and working my way through it. I find taking pictures and putting everything together at the end really gives you a sense of accomplishment when you can finally see your final product.
My second reason is very generic and that is to help players and even staff members when they run into something they are unsure about. Whether that be how to make a specific farm or more information regarding World Guard - the feeling you get knowing someone has accomplished something because of your background assistance is not match-able.
I would accomplish all of the above by trying, and giving my best towards anything that I write, pictures I take and charts I make. I would take feedback (however constructive it is) and requests whenever offered to improve myself and make the wiki a more helpful place to learn.
Traits of yourself in-game and in real life that Show us your Quality:
I would consider myself quiet at times; I'm really not one for starting conversations with most people in-game unless I'm very comfortable with them - perhaps shy would have been a better word to describe myself.
Once I warm up to people I might be considered a bit clingy (sorry, have to be honest - don't be afraid to be my friend now :^) ).
I am a University student and education is very important to me; I like to relay that in-game by teaching those who wish to learn. I'm usually very hesitant to offer tips unless asked because it does come off poorly. If someone needs help or assistance I will not hesitate to offer.
Past Moderator or Administrator Experience:
I have a lot of experience with an administrator position. I started Minecraft in December of 2010 - I joined a popular server and worked my way through the ranks starting at member, moderator and then administrator. I held that administrator position for nearly 1 year and then was eventually banned (it was my choice to take the ban over a friends).
After that I moved to another server in which I also moved from Member to Moderator - after helping the owner on many occasions with setting parents in world guard. I wrote the rules and CoC for his server. I was eventually promoted to Co-Owner but as the server was not very popular and it eventually was stopped.
I then moved to my next server and this was a Tekkit server - this was at the ending of 2012. I joined with a few friends who were a little... troublesome - they decided to grief and were eventually banned leaving me and one other friend there. I played for a few months and was offered a position of Moderator, which I was hesitant to take after the past that seemed to repeat. I ended up taking the position and continued playing for a few more months. One of the admins had been banned and I was offered his position to move up. I took that and spent my time helping players, dealing with applications and ban reports/appeals. I was eventually offered the position of co-owner and took it - the server ended up dying roughly 8-9 months afterwards due to monetary issues. Which is odd because we had many players and many, many donations.
I then took a break until November and I am now here.
I was previously a support player on KraftZone before resigning due to real life commitments.
Express the Knowledge and Skills that would make you beneficial to KraftZone. including any WorldGuard or WorldEdit Skills:
I have a few years worth of experience in WorldGuard and Worldedit; both of which I taught to new staff members and even giving helpful tips to veterans.
During my time with Vizio as a co-owner I was taught a little bit of server maintenance and plugin coding; he had me doing small jobs that I couldn't really screw up like setting up rank permissions, colors, and names. They are all small jobs so I would consider my plugin knowledge on a small scale.
The things you have done to Improve KraftZone as a player:
As a basic player I offer assistance whenever possible, whether that be through answering a question regarding commands, voting or basic gameplay or even helping build homes, farms and storage rooms.
Anything Else you feel needs to be known in consideration of your Application:
Yes - I would like to comment about my total time played and general experience on KraftZone.
I understand that my play-time is low compared to 85%+ of the server and even those who fall into that 85% category don't get the chance I'm asking for; but with my experience in Minecraft and my constant want to learn attitude I feel like I will continue to learn a lot about KraftZone and become more familiar with how everything works. I've asked, and received anwers to my questions regarding KraftZone and I feel as if I know a lot about the server already. I try to never hold back with my questions to make sure I can learn as much as possible. After all, I only need to ask once to learn something.
PS. Sorry for all the reading you have to do, I'm not sure what happened... I tried to make it short.
I didn't even need to read the application.
You are SUPER approved.
Nice really nice
how sly says
Gratz, i was Wiki Team, before you 😉 It's hard work. Good luck!
I really do appreciate all of the support I got; and I think because of that reason I was accepted - can't wait to start, in fact, I already have!
Gratz, i was Wiki Team, before you 😉 It's hard work. Good luck!
Yes I saw your name/player character here:
I'm not sure if I'll be able to call fun hard!
Welcome to the wiki team Lilly, you made a great start on the forum with doing helpful guides.
I think you will be a great addition to the team to see our server wiki page expand and become much more useful and interesting.
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
Lol. i think im the only one, besides Wiki Team, that actually goes on the Wiki xd
Lol. i think im the only one, besides Wiki Team, that actually goes on the Wiki xd
...actually we do get a lot of website visitors, and search engines like to read 😀
Robots/Spiders visitors (Top 10) - Full list - Last visit
Googlebot - 35,026- 538.72 MB - 22 Jan 2014 - 02:29
All content is good for search rankings so that's one reason I do the wiki and also it will be a good resource to point players to for more info on how to do stuff in game, that is also on kraftzone website and not somewhere else. Besides I think we have a very nice looking wiki page that took me a while building into the site design.
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
yea its nice
Congratz Lily
Congratz Lily
welcome abord to the wiki team (even tho am not wiki)
do yout best Lily
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Bumping this thread
Looking to rejoin the wiki team now that I am back from my resignation; I have much more time to devote to KZ so I'd like to start by helping out on the wiki once again.
I have updated my application.
This was the most recent addition to the wiki page finished by me:
...And welcome back to the wiki team 😀
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
Good luck
Congrats Happy for you
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Good to see you again Extacyy, i dont have a pc anymore andi might not get one
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-EX Voter+
-Ex Artist
-Current Helper
~Prime Secretary~
Long time no see Dark hows it been without a pc?