In Game Name- Time_Sketch
Position requested- Staff
Total Playtime-3 days, 7 hours 27 minutes
Total Votes- 89
Date Registered-12-25-2012 (Played on this server with cracked account for a while; Melon_Lord)
Desire- I have played on this server for a long time, and was introduced by whitef9. He showed me what this server really had, and it sure was a lot. I feel to help the rest of the Kraftzone staff to make the server into a more popular, more community-friendly. I have introduced many friends that play minecraft to the server, and they have introduced others to the server. I will hopefully get people to know the server better, and have the server rank up in the server lists. Pretty soon, this server will be one of the best.
Traits In-game and IRL- In game, i always try to help other members, whenever i can, and however i can. I have made many good friends on this server, and this reflects to my In Real Life state. IRL, I am one of the best in personality in my school and friends, and I can usually persuade others very easily. I was a candidate for vice president for school.
Past Moderator experience- I do have experience at being am operator, not on my server. Two servers that i help as much that i can. and I am a very friendly operator, unless provoked.
Skills with bukkit plugins- Both servers that i work on as staff have WorldEdit, and i have experience with Chestshop and Iconomy.
Improvements w/ Kraftzone as a player- I have reported some errors w/ the towny permissions, and recommended plugins for Kraftzone.
Anything Else-I have loved this server for a long time, and my friends have loved it too. i think this server has a lot of potential to being a great server.
There's some Cheese in my Boot.
-Need more votes.
-Need more playtime.
-Input your Timezone
Timezone is not really require maybe you can see this
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing
Kind've weird to see you post a staff app time_sketch.
But as snow said you need more playtime and votes. Timezone is an option btw.
Looks good, but I don't read anything about worldguard?
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
-Ex Registered
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-Ex Voter+
-Ex FeatherClub
-Ex Architect
-Ex Staff
-Ex Support
-Currently Donator
looks good to me aswell and i just want to say i wasn't m+ when i got staff but time youve been pretty good to the server i guess your on a lot when im not cus i dont really see you that much
Always better at asking for forgiveness than for permission.
i agree with redarrow, but i think you would do well as staff
For The Glory Of KraftZone
The servers didn't have worldguard.. I'm reading up on them. Thanks for the advice guys!
There's some Cheese in my Boot.
It is a good staff app, just haven't seen you on much and you are new to the forums (with only 2 posts)
Not sure when I'm going to invite new staff might decided during next month though.
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
sly the seal has approve we all should panic now
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing
Lol But Sly approves.. 😛
There's some Cheese in my Boot.
It is a good staff app, just haven't seen you on much and you are new to the forums (with only 2 posts)
Not sure when I'm going to invite new staff might decided during next month though.
My turn 😀
.-. Getting more active on Kraftzone forums .>.
There's a piece of Cheese in my boot.
There's some Cheese in my Boot.
Welcome to staff Time_Sketch will sort your rank out when I see you on server next.
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
Wow congratz time
Congratulations!! :DDD
Thank you so much! I am so excited to make this server awesome!
There's A Piece of Cheese in my boot.
There's some Cheese in my Boot.
I hate "Everything" about you
... by hate, I think he means like 😀
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer: