My first topic and i just want to say thank you to Koolio Dale_Onions,CreeperZx3,Woombo,ExplodingTNT,ARF_Trooper_Boil,and all who have helped me in my struggles to learn how to be better at MineCraft. THANK YOU!!!!!!
8) 😮 ???
U no say my name
Kcherry,Teel,Jtub,Nolan,and slyguy
Jtub=Cheetos47 teel=noplay Nolan=noplay slyguy=BOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
They helped me befor they changed there name or stoped playing
My first topic and i just want to say thank you to Koolio Dale_Onions,CreeperZx3,Woombo,ExplodingTNT,ARF_Trooper_Boil,kcherry,cheetos,boss,and all who have helped me in my struggles to learn how to be better at MineCraft. THANK YOU!!!!!!
8) 😮 ???
No problem Moon its a honor to have you in my town