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It took me a bit to decide if i should apply for helper or not.
I decided to because of Hadi, Johnny, and Extacyys encouragement, I don't care about the rank i just want to help people.
I am qualified because I try to get on the server every day, I am a donator and soon will be buying creative, and lastly I have helped many people on the server during my time playing. I have been a big help to hadi as well i try to help him and our town as much as possible. I have a total fo 54 votes, I have a total play time of 4 days and 23 hours, and I joined in 14-01-29
thank you for taking the time to read this application for helper and thank you
P.s i will be making more donations and voting everyday i am on.
Posted : 06/03/2014 3:48 am