IGN: [glow=red,2,300]Thecyberhedgehog[/glow] (You should know :P)
Votes: 136
Playtime: [glow=red,2,300]14:17:36[/glow] (really should be around 16 or 17days, but cause of rollbacks i lost time)
Date Registered: October 12th, 2012
Reasons I should (or should be considered an option) be staff
Well, myself and everyone else want to be staff, and I highly doubt you'll look at mine compared to anyone else, but I'm gonna do this application anyway.
My in-game name is [glow=red,2,300]Thecyberhedgehog[/glow], you may know me, you may not.
What I bring along:[glow=red,2,300] Humor, Past/to be current experience with running a server, humor (I know i put it 2x), leadership, helpfulness, and for being around this community for some time[/glow] (brought here by IcyNeko, give him a high five :D)
What I can do to help: [glow=red,2,300]I admire RedArrow and Jploz123 as they go out of his way to help someone by going into creative mode to help them with what they needed help with. They don't give out items, as any staff wouldn't, but they do work with lockettes and sponges once they get the response. If someone needs a sponge and they aren't there to do it, they tell them to use mychunk and go to spawn to learn how to do it, it is very smart and i really idolize that. I will do that same service to. I am loyal, hopefully you should know that, I've always reported hacks/glitches if I came across them in game (ex: I found a glitch when u do /ti in the old world for gm1, u can bring items back with you). If a helper/staff/support cant get to something (Best at low-grade building/lockettes), I'll be there to help, I'll be your go to guy :)[/glow]. I have ran a server. So, I bring experience along. [glow=red,2,300]I have a basic knowledge about WE if that means anything to you.[/glow]
What I have contributed to the server: [glow=red,2,300]I helped TheCrafters144 with an arena he was working on. I brought the idea/rank of secretary for towny into play, by convincing koolio to consider the rank, giving him possible permissions and such. When it still existed (before the map refresh) I helped Mr_Jakky with Garuk-Tol and some Pixel Art Builds. I made 3 great and proficient towns. When someone asks a question, I always TRY to give them an answer. For every new player, I give them a big welcome (though some dislike it) and help with every question they have. I always report illegal items to a staff member.[/glow] (There will be more to come)
Age: 13
Hours available:[glow=red,2,300] (weekdays) 6-8:20am 6:00-8:10pm (except for Wednesdays) (weekends) 6-9am 12-4pm 5-6 pm 7- 8:30pm[/glow]
I am very respectful and polite, and I don't rant on what people say.
I wont abuse my rights, and will only give food. I won't give weapons potions etc.
When staff need help, or are helping someone else, helping out is my priority, when they're busy i will be there for them to rely on and give all of the help that they need for the task at hand. [glow=red,2,300]I am pretty capable of working on my own, if it does with building I can work with smaller builds, but lockettes and all I can be pretty self-reliant with.[/glow]
[glow=red,2,300]Even when I am working on something, it doesn't matter what, I will answer a question, by going to chat, or going to help someone build, doesn't matter the project, the people, I will be there to help the player. I know not to abuse the mute key, and to give 3 warnings before using it. First 2 mutes are 1m, then increases so on.[/glow]
When someone asks a question, I will tell them what I know, [glow=red,2,300]I won't lie and make it sound like it is the truth, and if I don't know (because no one knows everything :P) I'll say, I don't know, sorry, maybe ask (insert name here). I am very active on the forums as well, with over 350 posts :)[/glow]
I have a high confidence, and I won't break any existing rules, and will only do best for the server/player.
This is all my telling, if you don't think this is enough, I'm ok with it, just, consider this.
[glow=red,2,300]If you have suggestions I will take them into consideration. I know the forums doesn't get you the rank (except for jp) but I am putting myself out there.[/glow]
Timezone: EastCoast
[glow=red,2,300]Current Rank: Donator
Donation Amount: 75$[/glow] (Donated 10$ for lada)
Edit: I am an Admin on OpRaidz (Mostly spend my time here though, don't get discouraged)
I think cyber would be a good staff :3
That is the fucking biggest staff app i've ever seen o_O although i think cyber would make a great staff! ;D
Wanna know how long it took me to type that? 20. Fucking. Minutes xD.
Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming
If I see that text for a staff app, I mostly refuse to read it. But I saw Thecyberhedgehog typed it, so I took my time to read it. That tells enough I think. I think Thecyberhedgehog will be a great addition to the staffteam...
Thanks for calling my name
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
-Ex Registered
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-Ex FeatherClub
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-Ex Staff
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-Currently Donator
Lol red. About me idolizing you, I really mean it to, I see things you do, and I really appreciate it, if it is for me, for a friend, or just another krafter. I really appreciate it. Hopefully I'm not speaking for myself either.
Hehe, I also hope you don't speak for yourself. But thanks <3
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
-Ex Registered
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-Ex FeatherClub
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-Ex Support
-Currently Donator
Too lazy
too long;didn't read
Lol, read the important parts...
you should highlight the important parts then
No two Rainbows are the same.
Neither are two packs of Skittles.
Enjoy an odd mix.
Just read..., but i will
cyber you highlighted still to much. reading is boring
In the short time I have been on this server, I have noticed that cyber has always been very helpful and kind. My words might not mean much, but I think he would be an excellent staff.
I read it, and there is one huge typo you made.
There is no "jploz123". There's a "jp123loz" but not a "jploz123"
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
Personally, I don't think you would be fit as staff. You're young, and don't have much experience. It might be better if you were the new rank "Helper", where you could learn until you are more apt for Staff.
Oh these again...
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
Personally, I don't think you would be fit as staff. You're young, and don't have much experience. It might be better if you were the new rank "Helper", where you could learn until you are more apt for Staff.
That is what Koolio was aiming for, which I am fine with, but, he hasn't done it yet :P.
Personally, I'm fine with helper. Just seeing if people wanted me staff.