Minecraft IGN: TheLoneWolf119
Age : 14
Date of application: 1/10/13 8:09 PM (Pacific)
Current Rank: Member
Time Zone: Pacific
Date Joined: December 24, 2012 ( NOT THE REAL DATE ON TheLoneWolf119 that was recent i joined sometime around June or August when 1.3.2 was out it was on chebaroo when i joined in August or September)
Total Playtime: 127:60:86
Average Playtime: 5-10 hrs (note: I can sometimes be on longer)
Why do you want to be a -Staff?
-I want to help out by being online everyday to help any one who needs anything (I know not to abuse my powers or give out items.)
Tell me about Yourself?
-I like animals, pie, cake, astronomy, Mayan, Aztec, Inca history, and a few other things....
Main Reason to get -Staff?
-I know all of the staff commands to help anyone with demolition, spawners, building help, architecture, and to upgrade some structures in my town.
Thanks for Reading
So you say your main reason to get staff is because you know all the commands? Not because you like this server or because you want to help people?
BTW, how are you able to help people with architecture with staff commands?
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
-Ex Registered
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-Ex Voter+
-Ex FeatherClub
-Ex Architect
-Ex Staff
-Ex Support
-Currently Donator
"help anyone with demolition"
hahah lol.. I think not..
I need a stamp..
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
I'm not always looking for staff, and when I am its based on when they are, how long they have played, among other things etc... sometimes its better to just be a player who enjoys playing on the server instead of putting in staff apps etc.
Don't take the stamp seriously 😀
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Koolio that stamp is like awesome, you need a denied stamp and a accepted stamp.
I cant really build anything.
IDEAL80 ... what a product.. so much stamp efficiency.. the power of it
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Okay Koolio i understand thank you for taking the time to read it
I just really want to help others.... that is all....
You don't need staff rank to help out though
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Dude give me a chance to make a couple of creative buildings in creative mode and will you make me staff??
one more thing it is easier if you are staff i know the commands
/banip (player)
/ban (player)
/tempban (player)
/mute (player)
/spawner (name of spawner)
/gamemode 1
@Redarrow im not saying that >_> dude do you read to fast that you don't understand and tpa to me if you see me an i will show you a great home i made!
You're not even member rank Lone, I'm sure you proabably have the best of intentions, but its just not likely, also cmds are different that waht you would think, i still don't know like 3 cmds as a staff that i know exist, so knowing the cmds you're used to probably won't help your chances
okay jp..... thanks for advice anyway.......
also for anyone /ban and /banip is support only 😉
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Dude give me a chance to make a couple of creative buildings in creative mode and will you make me staff??
one more thing it is easier if you are staff i know the commands
/banip (player)
/ban (player)
/tempban (player)
/mute (player)
/spawner (name of spawner)
/gamemode 1
etc=end of thinking capacity, so you don't know all of the commands!]
Also, It is great you are a good builder.... but, so many ppl are. Mr_Jakky is a fabulous builder, along with RedArrow,lada, and others I can't think of.
But that isn't gonna make your chances higher then last time
"help anyone with demolition"
hahah lol.. I think not..
I need a stamp..
lol a denying stamp that really cool
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing
Etc. ment there was more but i had to go...
Etc. ment there was more but i had to go...
You could have put it up at a later time 😛
You had nothing more to say
Lies all lies and the cake is a f****** Lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!