Hello to anyone reading this, I'm Alexander
My desired position is -Staff
My Username is Lemarq
I'm 19 1/3
I joined in June of 2015
I desire to help because we currently only have 4 active staff members.
I am helpful and listen attentively
My past ranks on Kz are Memeber, Member+ Voter+ and Helper
I'm a desent builder, know nothing of redstone, but hope to be tought and am learning WE
I'm friendly and respect everyone
Iv'e wanted to be staff for KraftZone for a while and find joy in helping others when I can
Thank you for reading this post and even giving me a chance to write it, without Kz I would probably be button mashing my keyboard playing some MMO RPG 😛
Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.
"I'm helpful" first of all if you want to be staff maybe a thing you should try to work on is your behaviour. I'm not trying to be rude but you can be very rude towards players including me when no one has harmed you.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm only rude to you.
I have good reasoning for that, claiming my stuff, taking away my houses spawn camping me
Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.
And the fact that you scour the forum posts just to troll 1 person is pathetic
Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.
We need like what they have in sports like baseball. Someome who handles the recruitment. They're called spotters or something I can't remember honestly. Because ever since the server went up, all the old players are applying for staff and helper. I understand the server needs a new team and all but what good is a rank if everyone has it? The server is going under inflation if youre not careful about this. I'm just speaking from experience. It took me almost 3 years until I got staff, and its been a week since the server went up. I honestly think that two supports and two staff is enough and then whatever else comes after.
Need to host a hunger games for the rank. Battle of the staff 😀
I cant really build anything.
heh i could be a good recruiter but ofc a certain someone wouldnt like that and if u ask why i would be a good recuiter? hmm mybe cuz im neutral. nobody hates me nobody loves me except kott she does both she like bipoler- getting back to the point I actually remember discovering that extacyy was 49 so yh.......................
"getting back to the point I actually remember discovering that extacyy was 49 so yh......................."
That sounds disappointing lmfao
I cant really build anything.
The number of grammar fails in that picture is too damn high
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Omg kott lmfaooo
I cant really build anything.