Ok Guys this is my staff app. I hope you guys give feedback regardless of what it is. It would mean a great deal for me.
Age: 16
Joined server: august 31
Account name: Lada and Forsiss
Votes: 226
Playtime 504 hours
Timezone: Central
Ranks I have earned/am: Forester, Mem+, Voter+, Architect and currently Donator
I play alot on this server. I help out alot and i usually build when not helping. I have been on this server quite a while now. I help people with things ranging from commands to building and more. I try to help out the most i can. I come on this server daily. I vote alot to. I help out people when there is not staff/support/koolio. I think I would do great for staff. I help out alot, vote alot. play alot and help out many people. I also want to prevent grief i have been griefed many times and it isn't a nice experience.I have knowledge of We and other cmds. I have been admin on other servers. And i can help out a great deal to people and this server. I got some comments that were really helpful and jp123loz i have improved on what you told me to. I just tend to ignore bad comments. I hope you guys consider this application. Any feedback would be thankful.
Bringing my topic back I didnt want to repost. I have been playing on this server for a really long time now.
I wanted to say that I think i should have a shot at staff. Your choice koolio. I have remained loyal to the server and helper many people. I can build well and now have over 300 votes and over 550+ HRS. Many players become staff and simply leave and sometimes in a rude manner. I have remained loyal helped the server alot and the people of the server. Just my opinion hope You consider koolio.
koolio has 2 new staff already
and I haven't seen you play in a while
I cant really build anything.
I need to find my big 'denied' stamp again.
EDIT: Found it
Lol. that's kinda cool.
Sly just denys every staff app. He makes life easy 😀
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
-Ex Registered
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-Ex Voter+
-Ex FeatherClub
-Ex Architect
-Ex Staff
-Ex Support
-Currently Donator
pepsi what do you mean u havent seen me play in a while >.< i come on erryday. ;D
Why dont you actually play huh sly?
I didn't know you had 3 accounts -.-
I cant really build anything.