Hello to whoever reads my post. Ive notice a message upon the Website that there is a spot for staff and I want to see if I am eligible for this position.
Well to start of my Application I would like to state my basic stats I have.
TotalPlayTime: I have played for about 10 days 8 hours and 31mins
Current Rank and Rank I am trying to earn: I hold Member+ rank that Ive work hard to earn and Im trying to earn Staff Rank.
Votes: I have over 100 votes (sorry I really dont know the exact number) including my votes on my old account (Sebastianj)
I am really nice to people and I will help people in need of help. I know earning staff is not easy and its not just about helping people on the server is also about getting to know the server more and the people that play, to be able to have patients for players in the server. Staff also shows leadership in knowing how to deal with situations that occur in the server. Staff also proves trust, not to just the players or other staff member but to koolio, proving to koolio that you are trustworthy is very important for this rank. I know that its a lot of responsibility I shall never abuse the power of staff I will enforce the rules of the server. I feel like i can accomplish and carry out position of staff and will work hard to uphold the responsibility 😉 if i do earn it. I have played on the server for almost about a year I know alot about the server. I really want to help out around the server I hope that I am eligible for this rank. If not then i shall work harder to improve myself to earn this rank.
Thank your for your time in reading my Staff App. please feel free to comment what you think or on what I should improve on.
/total to see your total votes
Also, I don't think 10 hour is long enough for you to have a shot at staff.
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
He means for the new server. He has played much longer. He has gone through 2 map resets ik that. He deserves it more then most people
Ive played 10 Days sorry it was a typo I shall fix it
hahah! xD
I'll be back soon.