Name: John
Rank: M+
Age: 12
Playtime: 19 days
Votes: 116
Rank Wanted: Staff because i wanna help out people and make sure no 1 griefs or spawn kills
Reason: I have really wanted staff when i started the server i was new so i did not know what to do and now i know alot of commands i maneged to get better at the time and i just love how koolio makes the server u know so i wish i could get Staff and try and make the server alot better i know we have great staff but mostly they dont vote which is sad and i dont like how Staff Troll so much i get pissed when that happens to me.
If this gets Rejected i quit minecraft and kraftzone.
I'll be back soon.
How do you want to make sure no one griefs or spawnkills? Impossible to prevent...
How do you want to make the server better?
What makes you think staff doesn't vote?
And I'mnot sure why you make this staff app after posting this:
Im done this server is no better because i have nothing and most people have stuff because they have some special person in there town with creative and they give them money and materials (Dilly2k) and i dont get staff because im not on when he says he wants staff members and when i have posted tons of staff apps and josh just joined the game and he gets staff so fast like wtf im done this server is fucking annoying because nothing is worth gettin on there because i have nothing to do and My M+ doesnt give me anything now that the /fly on is messed up i can fly into towns and fly up and down when i go mining because i dont have a home or flat land for myself and i shouldnt even play this server anymore i think its just a waist of time for one reason koolio says i have nothing because i have to earn it but since he did a new mapp and the old map it took me soooooooooooooooo fucking long to get my stuff ima quit the server if you dont want me to wuit comment and say something idgaf what you post
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
-Ex Registered
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-Currently Donator
Name: John
Rank: M+
Age: 12
Playtime: 19 days
Votes: 116
Rank Wanted: Staff because i wanna help out people and make sure no 1 griefs or spawn kills
Reason: I have really wanted staff when i started the server i was new so i did not know what to do and now i know alot of commands i maneged to get better at the time and i just love how koolio makes the server u know so i wish i could get Staff and try and make the server alot better i know we have great staff but mostly they dont vote which is sad and i dont like how Staff Troll so much i get pissed when that happens to me.~John
If this gets Rejected i quit minecraft and kraftzone.
Rage quit. umadbro? 😛
Btw, actually read my staff app so you actually know how to make one
And joshlong is a fucking great staff, he'd be much better than you as a staff
He actually knows how to help out people unlike you who just tp kill people and be a dumbass
Btw for your info josh was on the server before you john
Name: bradley
Rank: M+
Age: 16
Playtime: 19 days
Votes: 82
Rank Wanted: Staff because i wanna help out people and make sure no 1 griefs or spawn kills
Reason: I have really wanted staff when i started the server i was new so i did not know what to do and now i know alot of commands i maneged to get better at the time and i just love how koolio makes the server u know so i wish i could get Staff and try and make the server alot better i know we have great staff but mostly they dont vote which is sad and i dont like how Staff Troll so much i get pissed when that happens to me.
Bradley. . .
you have to make your own staff app not post it in
john's staff app you ideat -_-
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Name: bradley
Rank: M+
Age: 16
Playtime: 19 days
Votes: 82
Rank Wanted: Staff because i wanna help out people and make sure no 1 griefs or spawn kills
Reason: I have really wanted staff when i started the server i was new so i did not know what to do and now i know alot of commands i maneged to get better at the time and i just love how koolio makes the server u know so i wish i could get Staff and try and make the server alot better i know we have great staff but mostly they dont vote which is sad and i dont like how Staff Troll so much i get pissed when that happens to me.~bradley
he actualy just took it from his last staff aplication wuth most anoying + he edit it a little
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing
Name: bradley
Rank: M+
Age: 16
Playtime: 19 days
Votes: 82
Rank Wanted: Staff because i wanna help out people and make sure no 1 griefs or spawn kills
Reason: I have really wanted staff when i started the server i was new so i did not know what to do and now i know alot of commands i maneged to get better at the time and i just love how koolio makes the server u know so i wish i could get Staff and try and make the server alot better i know we have great staff but mostly they dont vote which is sad and i dont like how Staff Troll so much i get pissed when that happens to me.~bradley
wait a second hes just M not M+
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing
He sad koolio gave it to him when he's votes are gust 82
Mess with the best, die with the rest
just realise that
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing