When you join the lobby you dont need to type ur password (I rly don't know why,Koolio try to fix it)and i tried to join on SirMrManSheep's account....That's all....I didn't hacked or wanted to do something bad for the server... If you want to talk with me, unban me and i'll explain all. ::) ::)
you done GOOFED UP! Not sure when you will be unbanned, you can explain why you thought going on a staff members account and trying out commands was a good idea instead of privately informing me, NOT POSTING A FRIGGIN PUBLIC MESSAGE ABOUT THE LOBBY SERVER NOT NEEDING ANY ACCOUNT PASSWORD.
Anyway lobby should be fixed, passwords back on.. shit is not looking good for the future of the cracked lobby server though.. it seems in the last couple of months both developers of authme and logit have abandoned there auth plugins, one has pulled there github source, and other has for someone unknown reason gotten there project pulled from spigot and cannot be found anywhere.
good thing i grabbed the source code, but I'm not feeling upto recompiling it anytime soon, priority is upgrading server to 1.8, the lobby server I will try to see if things can be upgraded aswel, but outdated auth plugins are not a good sign.
I would recommend anyone who still is not got a premium minecraft account to think about finding one, or just wait to see if you really need to. Maybe Microsuck/ShitJang should have done a discount on Minecraft this year instead of ripping people off for the same poorly developed game.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
I see murphy, that you we're on as me, too.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I cant really build anything.