In Game Name: kcherry
Skype Username: kaleb_cherry12345
Team speak Username: kcherry
Mic use: Yes
Age: 13
Timezone: USA
Hours online per weekday: 4+ hours
Hours online per weekend: 7+ hours
Position Changes: Voter+ --------> Helper
Introduction: Hello kraftzone. I am kcherry you might remember me from in game or from recent posts. I am here with another Helper application. I have been taking in the feedback from the old applications. I am 13 years old and have taken on many rolls of staff on smaller servers. I am normally a nice guy to talk to and a nice person who likes helps players. I used to be a player who would answer any question in the shout and I normally still am. I hope you guys enjoy reading and give some feedback in the comments.
Why you should be Helper?
Firstly I have been online on the server for quiet along time and have been taking in what the other staff members have been saying in chat for the answers to questions and have been trying to answer questions like "I need the command for Making a town" or "how do I look at achievements in sky-block", I would reply with the answer or with the help command for the subject like /skyblock help.
Experience: I have had an alright experience of being a Helper/mod/admin. I started out on a small server me and my friends brought up which no longer exists. I was head Admin on there and had a big responsibility like Checking the console for recent kicks and bans and seeing if they are worthy of joining back on the server. We ran and got around 10-20 players on at one time. I thought I would move to a bigger public server to do some staff training/work on there. I moved to a small server called Duel-play. It was a nice little server but i didn't like the attitude there when they were swearing and all there. I got demoted because I was not on active. So I decided to move to a new server called accraft. This is a very nice little server where I got the job of being a Mini-games Mod and had the rolls of sorting out the plugins and kicking and banning the players. This is a nice little server with around 20-40 players online. And I know I cant that on this server
Involvement: I have been trying to answer any shout questions players wan't to give. I am normally either in the Wild or in the Spawn area. I have been answering questions in Shout that players fire at me or other players but I am normally one of the first to answer. I have had some good experience of Moderating servers and generally Helping players out.
Weaknesses: I have tried really hard to make my weaknesses positives now. I'm not sure If I have done them all but I will tell you a few.
Team speak: Most of the time I can't get on team speak because either my house is full with my family or I have got loads of homework. I will be trying quiet hard to get on team speak from now onward.
Arguing: I have a "Problem" with having either a huge debate or a small argument with some players about what is happening. I have been trying to fix this and mainly have so far. I have just about stopped the arguing issue.
Time Dedication: I have had some time issues and have not been on the server. My family has been all over the place and my minecraft stop working
Finding Players to help: I have had some issues finding players who need help. I have been shouting "Does anyone need help atm" and I have been getting no messages or reply's to that question.
Lag: Ok my computer is not the best. I get around 10 frames when I am in the spawn building and are finding it hard to move without laging. Luckily I will hopefully be getting an Asus gaming laptop with an I7 processor soon. It will be fixed in a matter of months.
Conclusion: I feel this time I am ready to apply for a Helper this time. I have been taking in the techniques of the Helpers and Moderators and Admins on other servers so I can try to be the best Helper I can be. I will dedicate my time to the server and help players even more. Please give some Feedback to the application please. I hope you have a nice day kraftzone.