Hey seaofpain here, today I'm applying for helper rank 😀
So in this post I'll tell you why I should be helper and what goals I attend to reach.
Your In-Game Name (and real name if you choose):
My name is seaofpain/BrandonMC_ and my real name is Brandon. I don't mind which do you use.
Your Age (if you Choose):
I am currently 16 years old.
Ranks earned/am:
I earned registered,member, m+ and finally donator
EST USA-Canada
Gender: Male
Position you desire:
Total Playtime and Votes:
56 days, 21 hours, 29 minutes and 95 seconds ((seaofpain+BrandonMC_))
I have 250 votes
Date Registered (MM/DD/YYYY):
Express Desire to Help (Who, Why, And How):
I want to help anyone on the server including new players that come on lately, old players such as members and donors and even staff or support. I don't care if they don't know this or that or even laugh at them, I help players even if it's a small question such how to get to the town's spawn or how to craft this item. I'll be glad to help even if I'm doing something else.
I want to help people because in real life I love to help people new and old. If I don't know that command I usually ask for my friend's help or a staff member. It is really important for me to help people since it gives them a nicer experience in Kraftzone knowing that there is someone that can always help you. I especially want to help Koolio/support and staff to get a break sometimes since they are working extra hard and spending time to help us.
I usually help players by giving them free repairs, telling them basic commands that they don't know. I welcome every player that comes on and even help in build projects.
Traits of yourself in-game and in real life that Show us your Quality:
-Working on temper but usually calm
What I don't do:
-I don't argue without a good reason
-I do not abuse my powers
-I don't advertise
-I do not spam in chat or tp requests
-I don't break any rules - I repsect all the rules
-I don't use caps for no reason
I have a solid knowledge of both Kraftzone and Minecraft.
I like to edit rescource packs for people ex.: Johnny and Woombo23
I am a long time M+ on Kraftzone.
Thanks for reading my helper application and have a nice day 😀
This is goodbye for now see you in-game
u know u actually have to help people to get helper? im asking u this cuz i never see u help, i only see u kill.
You know u actually have to be on the server to see what i do and dont. please leave and play on the other server you and kott will fuck up thank you.
lol wut? i dont even play minecraft anymore also I dont have to be playing on the server to see you help, because I already know you, and I know u would'nt help people. Unless u get to kill them in the end
Sorry but i have to agree with Chris hehe
But you could work, you can be nice.
Btw we're fucking awesome at that server so psch And mind your own business about that thank you.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"lol wut? i dont even play minecraft anymore" - chris
then we have kott "Btw we're fucking awesome at that server so psch
i rest my case if you if you want to talk shit please do it on skype. thank you
You just did the opposite things of whats on ur app
hahahahaha gl 😉
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
People change chris.. including him. Okay he might of killed most of the players on Kraftzone but he has learned. We all learn from our mistakes even though some might take longer than others. Some players need more time and some need less. Per example, I could of been donator still but I've learn't from my mistakes over the years (incident with nam.. for those who don't remember).
Achieving something takes time and sometimes you won't get it right away. 😀
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)