I think I should get Helper because I love helping others. I'm sure when you have been on with me you have seen me help out people!
Total Votes:96
In-game name:CalebMC_____
Total Playtime:8 Days,9 hours,17 minutes and 22 seconds and counting!
Date Registered: 2014-10-1
Position Desired:Helper
Help everyone,because I love helping in any way i can,and how I have helped and will continue to help is by giving commands,and helping with builds,and Helping with anything where assistants is needed. Traits:Funny,Kind,Caring.
Skills:Some world edit commands such as undoing a a wrong World Edit placement,I know how to change the time of the day,and I know how to Help!
I will continue to help KraftZone as much as I can! I always will! Thank you for considering making me helper,you will not be dissapointed!
Deadpool 🙂
I like it but you don't get WE with helper oh and yesterday I didn't mean any of that I was jk
WE is not a toy and cannot be trusted to helpers. Thats all 😉
yeh i know what ur sayin lol but i know some commands such as //undo and ur very wise not to trust me with WE
Deadpool 🙂