-Your In-Game Name (and real name if you choose) | xxNavyxxSealsxx(Andrew)
-Your Age (if you Choose) | 14
-Position you desire | Staff
-Total Playtime and Votes | Playtime:21 days 9 hours Votes:115
-Date Registered (MM/YYYY) | 10/10/12
-Express Desire to Help (Who, Why, And How) | I want to help the players of the server in everyday problems.
-Traits of yourself in-game and in real life that Show us your Quality. | I have been a regular contributor to Kraftzone in my attempt at making it better even though we have had a few hosting problems in the past.
-Past Moderator or Administrator Experience | Have been moderator and admin on several servers in the past.
-Express the Knowledge and Skills that would make you beneficial to KraftZone. including any WorldGuard or WorldEdit Skills | I have had access to worldedit and have showed my knowledge of it and worldguard. I also am quick to learn about things that are needed to know like plugins and such.
-The things you have done to Improve KraftZone as a player | I have helped new spawns on what to do. I have helped players with my VIP perms. I have done alot for Kraftzone in the past and plan to do alot in the future.
This is terribale 😛 8) 😛 :'(
I have helped players with my VIP perms.
Oh you mean like giving out free creative items to frank?
I haven't given him anything that he could sell moslu red stone items and such. An another thing this isn't going to be another post where u talk shit so please just stop posting.
No, but this will be another post where you and me are the only people keeping this thread alive.
So then I said bump this post
so it goes on the server