A Helper is a very responsible position to take in KraftZone. But is also one of best thing you could ever be on the server. One cannot just take the role of a Helper; one must earn it by doing and being many things, such as responsible and respectful. It will be hard to earn Helper and not all will succeed, you must gain the respect and trust from everyone on the server, especially Kooglio.
-To become an Helper, you must first get the M+ rank which is available to anyone on the server and is earned by Voting on the server. Some people may even be able to skip a rank by helping the main Admin Kooglio and other members with tasks, or helping on the Forums Page, such as wiki-team and other things.
-Every rank is hard to get, but is it not impossible. There are also other requirements to becoming a Helper, such as a long record of Play Time and a lot of Votes. The “play time” and “votes” show how active you are on the server, and how much you care about the server.
What we look for in a Helper:
-No Temper, what so ever
-Knowledge of Commands, WorldGaurd, WorldEdit and KraftZone itself
-Long time M+
-Good skills in building
-A big desire to help everyone in need and take care of any situation
What we don’t look for in a Helper:
-Wanting to PVP everyone
-Abusing powers/commands
-Any rule breaking
-Especially no advertising
What to put in a Application for Helper:
-In game name (and real name if you want)
-Your Age (optional)
-The position you wish to apply for
-Total Playtime and Total Votes
-Date you applied
-Why you want to take this position
-Information about yourself
-List of ranks you were and have had before
-Information about your knowledge around KraftZone
-Anything you want to add
Don’t be sad if your application does not get accepted, as I said before, “it is a very hard position to take in KraftZone” and “it will be hard to earn Helper, and not all will succeed.” Only the most responsible, respectful and loyal people are usually chosen to be a Helper.
All I have to say is “Good Luck” and Hope to see one of you become a Helper soon!
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-EX Voter+
-Ex Artist
-Current Helper
~Prime Secretary~
If you just replace Admin rank with Staff, this is a good guide... however please don't set your sights on my Admin rank
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Hahaha, funny there. i wondered wtf was going on. good guide if you do as kuuliuh said
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hey Kooglio, i changed the Staff App. to a Helper App. Cause more people are going for helper and none of them know how to post a helper app. Plus we dont have a topic on this. i also added a lot, hope this helps.
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-EX Voter+
-Ex Artist
-Current Helper
~Prime Secretary~