How And Why To Post A Staff Application ~JoshLong42
Posting a staff application states that you are a player who wants nothing more then to add to the general Awesomeness of KraftZone. Being Staff is about helping players and being responsible for players enjoying their time. Its about helping and working with other Staff, Support, and Admin to create a positive experience for ALL players, Old and New. Staff is not for everyone, and there are few Staff because few players both earn, and deserve the position. Being Staff Is NOT about gaining Perms for yourself
Characteristics we look for in a Staff Member:
-Solid knowledge of both Minecraft and KraftZone
-Mild or NO Temper
-Knowledge of the WorldGuard Plugin
-Ability and Desire to Help New players
-Skill both in commands used in KraftZone and in building
-Maturity and Self Control
-High Votes and High Playtime
-Long Time Member or Member+
There are lots of things we look for, and this list is just some basics to help perspective Staff Applicants decide if they have what it takes. The biggest factors are the way you act in-game, and the trust (or lack there of) that Staff, Support, and Admin feel toward you.
A Few Disqualifying Traits:
-Excessive PVP
-Arguing For No Reason
-Over using or Abusing Perms/ Commands
-Or Breaking The Over All Rules Of KraftZone (/Rules) 😀
IF, you feel that you still qualify for staff given the above positives and negatives, then you go to the Applications page of the Forum and post the following:
-Your In-Game Name (and real name if you choose)
-Your Age (if you Choose)
-Position you desire
-Total Playtime and Votes
-Date Registered (MM/YYYY)
-Express Desire to Help (Who, Why, And How)
-Traits of yourself in-game and in real life that Show us your Quality.
-Past Moderator or Administrator Experience
-Express the Knowledge and Skills that would make you beneficial to KraftZone. including any WorldGuard or WorldEdit Skills
-The things you have done to Improve KraftZone as a player
-Anything Else you feel needs to be known in consideration of your Application
As I said above, staff is not for everyone. most applicants are denied. We take only the best players to be staff because we want KraftZone to be the most Amazing server it can be. Staff is NOT to be taken lightly, and it is a big responsibility.
For those Few of you who actually do deserve the Staff position, I hope this post helps you get there. Best Of Luck Always
For The Glory Of KraftZone
For The Glory Of KraftZone
Very nice Joshlong42,
I'll move and sticky this thread in the Applications forum section so that it hopefully always get read by those wanting to apply for staff.
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
Player: ytsen13
✓ -Helpfulness
✓ -Selflessness
✓ -Solid knowledge of both Minecraft and KraftZone
✓ -Mild or NO Temper
✓ -Knowledge of the WorldGuard Plugin
✓ -Ability and Desire to Help New players
✓ -Skill both in commands used in KraftZone and in building
✓ -Maturity and Self Control
✓ -High Votes and High Playtime
✓ -Long Time Member or Member+
Koolio said this already, but I will too. Good job on this list, liking it!
Very nice josh must've took a while
Josh you have come to be one of the best staff by far and I'm not afraid to admit more than likely better than me well done josh hope y'all are having fun :/ miss you guys
Always better at asking for forgiveness than for permission.
"One of the best staff by far"
I guess I am one of them too? Hihi <3
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
-Ex Registered
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-Ex Voter+
-Ex FeatherClub
-Ex Architect
-Ex Staff
-Ex Support
-Currently Donator
Thanks guys 😀 this server has treated me like family and i do whatever i can to return the favor. i personaly would like to see a few more staff and i wrote this up to encourage some of our better players to post and let us see what they could offer us. the only thing i would add to all that is that players should read other staff apps good and bad to see what it is we are looking for.
For The Glory Of KraftZone
This is most likely how you get staff
350th post 😀
Robyn is koolio
andy is ytsen
The others are redarrow and josh