Hey Kool! I Finally got Member and now i thought about trying out for Helper, i see Hadi doing it and it seems fun, and i love helping people, and welcoming them to KraftZone! I jus thought i would try it out!
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-EX Voter+
-Ex Artist
-Current Helper
~Prime Secretary~
Hi Dark,
It does seem like you help people when a question comes up in chat quite frequently.
You even help a lot of people in your town with building, anti-grief patrol and questions regarding their town.
I think you would be a good candidate overall, though there are a few things you need to work on.
The biggest thing I think you need to work on is your temper. You're quick to anger when someone says something that you do not like or something that is directed towards you or your character. You need to stop arguging with players over silly things - especially with your potty mouth as it does effect the mood of everyone on the server. This means no petty name calling or cursing.
The other thing I think you need to work on is laziness. You have asked me repeatably to get you things that you could easily get yourself; this can be dirt, sand or even sticks. I do not see you taking any initiative to stop doing that and it seems to only get worse as I continue to do things for you. The second part of this topic is player handling and laziness. You offered someone help today (21/02/2014) and continued to help them through the chat. They asked you to come show them how to use the leash and you did not want to - instead you became upset and started to tell me to go show him how to use the leash. If you start to help someone you need to take the initative to finish what you start. Do not leave a half assed (sorry for my first curse word on this server) job for me or anyone else - this means regular players or even staff members as it only leads to confusion and more work than it should be.
Don't let this get you down - there's always time to improve and I think you are the type of person who learns from having honest thoughts sent towards you. So don't take my words as hurtful or hateful - they're there to hopefully better you and see you with the [Helper] rank. With your current state I will have to say No Support. If you continue to better yourself you will earn my support. We are friends in-game so that is why I've given you such an honest post.
Ty Very Much Lily. I will work on those things, i have started already
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-EX Voter+
-Ex Artist
-Current Helper
~Prime Secretary~
Hey dark,
Even tho I don't see you on the server but I do frequently come on Kraftzone. I wish you tell more about you in the future but Extacyy told
some negative things. So I hope you show positive things! Ok, so getting to the point I suggest you to get the requirements such as getting
M+ and maybe tell us how many votes and your total playtime. That would be really helpful when reading a helper app or any other
Total Play time: 4days, 6hours, 43minutes
Total Votes:36
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-EX Voter+
-Ex Artist
-Current Helper
~Prime Secretary~
Get... hmmm... around 300 more votes... then MAYBE... you can make it... Also... around 20 days of playtime.
A helper has no required things
Helper will come once the time is right sorry Dark
Mess with the best, die with the rest
As of which, Koolio denies most of the players staff and helper applications because they don't have member +. It is in fact really important to get this rank because it shows that you are a daily voter and that you spend atleast an hour or more. We can't have people to be promoted to staff or helper and then leave as if it was just a joke.
I believe that you can get 100 votes dark!! Tip: Try to vote daily or vote as much as possible.
You're starting really well.. Keep it up my friend.
Hey dark, you are in fact doing pretty well..
You have improved alot.. for instance you have helped alot for the town builds and you have always asked for help.
You should still play more on the server, spend some time and get new friends. The server is like a community, I see you play and having alot of fun.. seeing you grown since you began playing on this server.
So I hope you do vote and play on the server. Stay positive as you are and keep that smile on your face even tho sometimes it can hard.