Hello,I am ujklujkl. I am not exactly the most liked,known,or (sometimes,if someone makes me mad) caring person. But I would like to apply for Helper. Most of the time, when I do help people (yes I do,don't be suprised) there is either not a lot of people online,or most people are AFK. I have just helped three new players. I do not want to have to tell you thier names because I have to switch from Minecraft to Kraftzone.net over and over again. But yes I did. I helped another person. I know their name because he/she and amineg greifed my brother. The person's name was mz256. It was a small grief. Two pieces of wood and destoyed my brother's Nether portal. Well, I guess that isn't exactly "small". But yes. I helped him get a mychunk near my house. I helped the other three players. With what exactly? With the command /Kraftzone and flydiscs and answering (sorry,I'm not exactly sure how to spell "answer") them along with Hadi when they asked questions. I helped more people too. When I first got on and was only registered I helped people with what little info I knew about this server. Anyways, the point is I help new players and am applying for Helper. Please consider this.
I do not support this helper application.
I think you need to work on your attitude first and foremost - calling people names, insulting others and fighting amongst players that you want to 'help' does not constitute you as a helper (since you are contributing to the issues at hand and giving us more work) nor does it make you seem more approachable by the players you want to help.
I also do not like that fact that you need to write down the names of the people you have helped to justify your activity in-game - that leads me to believe you have only helped those choice few.
You do play pretty freuqently and that is definitely a plus - you need to stop bringing your emotions from a bad day at school (or whatever it is) into the in-game environment - and you definitely need to stop taking it out on the players.
I have one thing to say Extaccy. I did not start it. I siad one thing in the chat. The reply "Shut up ujklujkl". And I am suppost to ignore that. Even when I had a really bad day. For me, on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the hardest, 10. I tried to not be mean and call people names. But when someone you don't even know tells you to shut up, it gets hard. Very hard. And the reason I made that post was so that people could know that I was going to get a little inappropiate with my words if they made me angry. I even asked for no negative comments. It was just an informational post. But no. I got negative comments. Like that was going to help. But,yes. It only made me more angry. And what I don't get, if I obviously couldn't handle someon telling me to shut up, how would I handle comments like that? And this is not a rhetorical question. I want an answer. Preferably from RedArrow. And thats really it. I didn't want to take it out on them. I had almost made my knuckles bleed from punching a wall,honestly. But I cannot change your opinion. The choice is yours. Goodbye.
Ok, here is my answer.
I want to say I do know it is hard to do almost anything when you have a bad day. One of those things is playing minecraft with other, not very kind people.
As said before, you should not bring reallife emotions to the ingame environment. That can be hard sometimes, as I know from my own experience. But try as hard as you can, and you will succeed. It might also come with age.
"And what I don't get, if I obviously couldn't handle someon telling me to shut up, how would I handle comments like that?"
I honestly think if someone can't handle someone telling you to shut up, you should not be playing an online videogame at that moment. It may sound a little mean, but I am serious. What you should've done was ignoring it. That is most of the times the way to go. Ignoring makes people who think they are funny stop, because they don't get attention with their 'jokes'. Other people will just say it once because whatever reason they have...
I also want to mention that telling everyone you're mad doesn't solve any problems, it makes you vulnerable.
At last I want to say I didn't mean to sound like I did when answering your post about being mad. I just wanted to say some things, and I could've said it in a different way.
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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Ok thank you for your answer (seriously how do you spell that). I do agree with you on some points (not going to specify). I do not agree with me not playing a online game like this. I very much enjoy Minecraft and all its perks,including servers (especially this one) But yes. Thank you and enjoy your day.
Hmm not really an application. Staff helper and other high ranks can't let emotions get in the way learned this from koolio ;P Look at how to make a staff app to help you make a better helper app. You need a higher maturity level for these positions which I dont think you have at the moment but keep trying and learning. Vote and play continuously and have a fun time!
Ok...I have one question to ask. Who is this? And im not joking.
This is zForsZ from Kraftzone btw... He is an old player from 2012 if I´m not correct
So he has alot of experience about what is a real app and what´s not