Minecraft IGN: Benza
Position I Desire: Helper
Total Playtime: 42 days
Total Votes: 385
Date Registered: 2013-01-09 Time: 16:19:52
Express Desire to Help: I would like to help new players, because alot of them just join and get spawn killed. Then leave the server, i would like to help them get started, and not get themselves spawn killed. I already helped alot of people. You can ask anyone.
I'm a Donator Tier 3. I hope I get Helper, It's ok if i don't get the rank, i will still be helping anyone, that needs assistance.
Edit: I also think Koolio needs more help, cuz he can't do everything. Ha ain't god, But he is God of Kraftzone.I also think he is great Admin. 😛 😛
hmmm, i remember you called me a no life for no reason 😀 and if you are muphy(murphy) you also snuck onto my account and tried to still play when i logged on. Im not sure if you will or not 😀 but if you get helper i got a feeling you will be thrown into the heaping pile of yelpers who got there rank and dident do another thing for it. I dont know how being a helper stops the spawn killing 😀
Lel, gg 38848 rekt!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!
I thought you we're a really nice new player and would be a great Helper, then i see that you're murphy and i got like
that was it
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)