Hello members of Kraftzone, I am going to make for kraftzone to become helper, and then
hopefully staff in the future. I beleive that kraftzone has a lot of potential and since
it has restarted i beleive we can get the server back to its former glory but not in its
current state. First of all most minecraft clients are on 1.9 and if the server isnt then
people wont change their clients just to play on this server unless they are already members
such as myself. This can easily be resolved by simply (not that simple) updating the server.
The other problem I feel there is about kz is that there isnt always ar least 1 member of
staff on, atleast not in my timezone. To get more members we need to atleast need staff to
make it a safe environment. That is why i beleive we need more staff such as myself. Its
crucial to the future of the server.
At the moment my name is PiggyGamerBALKAN although i will soon change it back to Benza. I
have had 3 different accounts on minecraft although the one you need to contact me with now
if you ever need any help is Benza.
I am currently donator, tier 3 and i have creative. I donated to help the server and I
am sure i will donate again in the future to keep the server strong.
My playtime is roughly 2 months and i have been on this server for many years, its my 3rd
anniversary of being on this server in just over a week.
I strongly beleive in supporting the server and Voting is one of my ways of helping attract
players, the more votes the more people will see the server, therefore i have almost 500
Hence my thousands of hours on minecraft and months on kz i have a vast knowledge of commands
and know all the tricks there are. I also know WE incase I ever needed to use it (not that
i will as helper but in the future its good to have).
When im online:
at the moment i play mostly minecraft and cs:go. I play in the morning, afternoon and evening
central european time (1 hour behind GMT). Feel free to approach me if you see me online as i
will be more than happy to talk to you and we can discuss why i should be a
helper in more depth.
I am Mature and have never greifed or been banned on the server (only kicked for no reason by
corrupt staff i wont name) I am not annoying and dont use caps except for the proper
punctuation. I dont spam either or PVP much, and when i do its only with my friends and not
newer players. I have obviously not abused perms/commands as i dont have them yet and will
not abuse them when i do, and i dont advertise or break any other rules of kz for that
matter. I have been admin (staff) on several other servers and on all of them i have done
very well.
I hope you agree with me that i should be staff. Koolio said himself that he approves of me
being helper/staff on kz and i hope u agree.
ex-registered, ex-member, ex-member+, ex-voter+, ex-donator1, ex-donator2,
Currently donator3, Soon to be helper?
Final : my steam name is Benza, add me if you want to talk, I recommend you also join the KZ steam group.
;D 😉
I definatly agree with koolio and Benza, Benza knows the server inside out and i have known him for a very long time, he definatly deserves helper and the server deserves him!
Fire melts ice 😛
Thanks Seb 😀
'definitely' Sebbacus I agree
Need to find a new <stamp of approval image>
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You're dedication to the server is appreciated very much 🙂 I'd be happy to see you have helper.
Ty all for support 😀
Why are poeple posting app the server is over right???
server wasn't closed when i posted it though :-[