I've been considering this topic for a while and i would like to become part of the staff. It is is a big responsibility. In my opinion playing Mine-craft to the extent of being staff or higher is a major responsibility. But my position being on the server that people know me, like me,and respect me in there own way. I feel like I'm part of a not a server but a family of friends. My relationship between the players is in a positive mood and set. I do stick to the rules and I try my best to let others in my personal community to know about the server.
MC name-zking1998
Position Desired-Staff
Position Have- helper
Dont ask for staff dude, just help help help and help some more until Koolio decides to give you Staff. Asking for staff like this will just make you not get it.
I agree with Chris. Its something you deserve, not ask for. It will just make it worser asking.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ain' nobody taking my spot. I'm just on Maternity leave. Though I'm not completely shutting down your application zking, just try to add more to it to make it seem more professional like you really deserve the spot
*jk though if anyone really cares (pfth) school has me tied, always has and it will. Sad to say but it's just hard to find time anymore. I luv you all, all of kz, always have always will. #prayforpepsi
--peauce out--
I cant really build anything.
#prayforpepsi #letsgethimagirlfriend #pepsisalone #foreveralone #cutforpepsi
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Thank guys, but we all know that I'm not asking, I'm just making a suggestion. Plus it was a topic that i just wanted to bring out before the year ends. My desire is to help others out to a fullest because not having creative does has its downfalls. But starting out the way I did worked hard and earnestly just to get Architect, and that didn't have any perks that went with it just a name that further prov to others I'm an expicitive builder. Yall probably don't know how I'm treated within the server I'm always on and people ask for my building expertise but without creative I have to rely on my storage room that has inventory back when tree fall was part of the plugins. A thing like creative it has its benefits but there is a large responsibility, unlike griefers and those who over use, and abuse there privileges that where given to them.
That's just asking even more and being desperate...calm down you'll get it someday [maybe]
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"it's only a suggestion"... meaning you are asking for Staff.
If you want it badly don't think about it. Don't think about if you are gonna be Staff or nah.
If you are desperate, don't be put a giant smile up your face.
You are still saying in that recent post that:
1. You are responsible
2. You don't abuse your powers if you were Staff
3. You cannot help because you don't have creative..
Helping is not only seen in 1 way but alot of ways
Helping can be helping someone out and not asking something in return.
Helping can be helping someone out and ask something in return.
Helping can be helping someone out by giving knowledge to someone.
Helping can be helping someone build ( like you )
Helping can be anything but helping is helping.
Don't think that just because you don't have creative means that you had to make this post. I'm prob sure that you made this post to get something in return because you felt that Architect didn't help you to help players better.
Since Staff is just prob to "high" demanding some players won't get Staff.
Not everyone can get Staff
Karma is a biatch.