Hey everyone! i would like to become a staff member, so here's my application.
Username: Flamewolf
Age: 17
Position wanted: -Staff
Total playtime/votes: My stats got reset, so i don't have the actual numbers, but i think i have 150+ hours, and about 50 votes.
Date registered: once again, lost the stats, but i joined around February of 2013
Desire to help: Well, i've always enjoyed helping people out on the server, and i feel like if i was staff, i could help out a lot more than i already am, because a lot of people ask me for stuff that i can't do at this time.
Traits: I'm very helpful and i've become a lot more patient over the past few years of absence, and i feel like those will be very helpful to being a staff member.
-Past Moderator or Administrator Experience
Skills in WE/WG: i don't have any, because i've never had a chance to use them before.
Things i've done to help KZ: Well, i've helped plenty of new players get on their feet in the world of KZ, and, more recently, i've been out helping SirMrManSheep find old cities to protect.
Other things: Well, as of right now, i am the only active helper on KZ, and there's hardly any active staff that are as active as me on a daily basis. Also, i've been constantly giving out my supplies to help out other people who need it more than me, and i will continue to do that as a staff member.
Thanks for reading! if you have any questions or concerns, leave a comment and i will be more than happy to respond.